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Kristine Marie

I will be supporting and encouraging you.

Kristine Marie

I will be supporting and encouraging you.

3,598 Lessons


영어를 전문적으로 가르친지 5년째 입니다. 선생님을 커리어로 가지면서 단순히 영어와 지식을 전달하는 일일 뿐만 아니라 한국 문화나 그 사람이 속해있는 나라에 대해 배울 기회였습니다. 저는 왕초보 부터, 중급, 고급까지 다양한 학생들을 지도할 수 있습니다. 또한 IELTS 와 TOEIC 을 가르칠 수 있게 훈련이 되어있습니다. 제 이러한 지식들이 학생들에게 지도자나 선생님으로 줄 수 있는 소중한 자산이길 바랍니다.

Teaching the English language has been my profession for 5 years now. Teaching, as a career has given me a lot of experiences that doesn't just involve English and its principles but as well as the Korean culture, its country and its people which I have learned to love a lot. I can and am capable of teaching beginners, intermediate and advance students. I've also had been trained to instruct on IELTS and TOEIC. Being a graduate of BS Hotel and Restaurant Management, I have also studied several Business English courses. Having been able to share my knowledge to my students will always be an achievement that I would treasure as a teacher and a mentor.

Teaching the English language has been my profession for 5 years now. Teaching, as a career has given me a lot of experiences that doesn't just involve English and its principles but as well as the Korean culture, its country and its people which I have learned to love a lot. I can and am capable of teaching beginners, intermediate and advance students. I've also had been trained to instruct on IELTS and TOEIC. Being a graduate of BS Hotel and Restaurant Management, I have also studied several Business English courses. Having been able to share my knowledge to my students will always be an achievement that I would treasure as a teacher and a mentor.

Message to Students
안녕하세요, 학생 여러분. 배움은 삶에서 아주 중요한 부분이에요. 어떨 때는 당신이 받은 교육이 당신을 규정하기도 해요. 저는 모든 학생들이 영어를 배울 수 있다고 생각해요. 좋은 배움을 위해서는 학생이 배움을 사랑해야 하고, 선생님이 적극적으로 이끌어줘야 하죠. 제가 영어의 이해를 돕고, 목표를 이룰 수 있도록 도와줄게요.

Hi, dear students. These days, education has been such an important part of individual's life. Sometimes, it even defines you who you are and what you could contribute to the world. As a teacher, I believe in my every student's ability to learn a subject or a language. The key factor in learning is first, loving what you do and lastly, the support coming from your mentors such as your professors and instructors. As your teacher, I will be supporting and encouraging you to achieve your goal and attain your future endeavors through the understanding of the English language.

Hi, dear students. These days, education has been such an important part of individual's life. Sometimes, it even defines you who you are and what you could contribute to the world. As a teacher, I believe in my every student's ability to learn a subject or a language. The key factor in learning is first, loving what you do and lastly, the support coming from your mentors such as your professors and instructors. As your teacher, I will be supporting and encouraging you to achieve your goal and attain your future endeavors through the understanding of the English language.

  • BEST Months2 classes / week, total 120 classes
    USD 140/ Month
    USD 840
    USD / class
  • BEST 個月 每周 2 堂課 , 共 120 堂課
    USD 140/ 月
    USD 840
    USD / 堂課