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I want to make every class fun, yet informative.


I want to make every class fun, yet informative.

2,769 Lessons


저는 실력이 뛰어난 ESL 강사로, 51Talk, Acadsoc 등의 다양한 ESL 회사에서 근무한 경험이 있습니다. 저는 ESL 강사로써 2년 이상의 경험을 갖추었으며, 개개인에 맞추어 영어 수업 계획을 편성할 능력을 가지고 있습니다. 또한 저는 뛰어난 소통 능력과 분석 능력을 가지고 있습니다.

Dear Sir/Madam,As a highly skilled ESL Teacher, I read your posting for a new ESL Teacher with interest. My experience aligns well with the qualifications you are seeking, in particular my role as an ESL Teacher in 51talk, Acadsoc _and other ESL companies, _and I am certain I would make a valuable addition to your organization.With more than 2 years experience as an ESL Teacher, I have adapted with different learning style assessments _and individualized Lesson Plans. Moreover, while my on-the-job experience has afforded me a well-rounded skill set, including first-rate communication _and analytical skills, I am:Fluent in EnglishGoal-orientedFocusedCommittedEnthusiastic _and AdaptableIn addition to my experience _and personal qualities, I have a solid educational foundation _and a passion for education.

Dear Sir/Madam,As a highly skilled ESL Teacher, I read your posting for a new ESL Teacher with interest. My experience aligns well with the qualifications you are seeking, in particular my role as an ESL Teacher in 51talk, Acadsoc _and other ESL companies, _and I am certain I would make a valuable addition to your organization.With more than 2 years experience as an ESL Teacher, I have adapted with different learning style assessments _and individualized Lesson Plans. Moreover, while my on-the-job experience has afforded me a well-rounded skill set, including first-rate communication _and analytical skills, I am:Fluent in EnglishGoal-orientedFocusedCommittedEnthusiastic _and AdaptableIn addition to my experience _and personal qualities, I have a solid educational foundation _and a passion for education.

Message to Students
안녕하세요, 저는 Astrid Diaz라고 해요. 저는 2년째 ESL을 가르치고 있어요. 저는 다양한 연령대의 학생들을 지도하면서, 다양한 타입의 학생들을 이끄는 방법을 터득하게 됐어요. 저는 아동 영어, 성인을 위한 교양 영어, 비즈니스 영어, TOEFL, IELTS 시험을 지도하기도 했어요. 제 취미는 인터넷 서핑이에요. 또 저는 예술 작품을 만들거나 스케치를 취미로 하고 있어요. 제 수업에서 뵈요!

Hello, I am Astrid Diaz. I have been teaching English for ESL learners for more than two years. With 2 years of experience as an ESL teacher teaching english to students of different ages, I have learned to adapt to different learning styles _and capabilities. I am a tenured teacher for Kids’ English, Adult General English, Business English, _and as well as for TOEFL _and IELTS examinations. One of my greatest dreams is to be a teacher, I love sharing with others my knowledge. During my free time, I surf the internet to be updated with current events. I’m a creative person, I enjoy making art projects _and sketching! What makes me different from other teachers is that I am persistent _and very patient. I want to make every class fun, yet informative. I hope to see you in my class!

Hello, I am Astrid Diaz. I have been teaching English for ESL learners for more than two years. With 2 years of experience as an ESL teacher teaching english to students of different ages, I have learned to adapt to different learning styles _and capabilities. I am a tenured teacher for Kids’ English, Adult General English, Business English, _and as well as for TOEFL _and IELTS examinations. One of my greatest dreams is to be a teacher, I love sharing with others my knowledge. During my free time, I surf the internet to be updated with current events. I’m a creative person, I enjoy making art projects _and sketching! What makes me different from other teachers is that I am persistent _and very patient. I want to make every class fun, yet informative. I hope to see you in my class!

  • BEST Months2 classes / week, total 120 classes
    USD 140/ Month
    USD 840
    USD / class
  • BEST 個月 每周 2 堂課 , 共 120 堂課
    USD 140/ 月
    USD 840
    USD / 堂課