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제 본업은 간호사이고, 2012년부터 온라인 영어 강의를 하고 있습니다. 저는 기초, 중급, 비즈니스, 일상 영어를 가르칩니다. 저는 IELTS 자격을 가지고 있고, 학생들의 시험 준비나 면접을 돕습니다. 저는 문법, 악센트 교정, 비즈니스 영어, 스피치 등을 가르칩니다. 또한 저는 DJ로 일해본 경험이 있으며, 노래 부르기는 제 취미 중 하나입니다. 또 저는 다양한 사람들과 만나는 것을 좋아합니다.

Hi! I have been teaching English online since 2012, although my profession is a Registered Nurse. I teach Basic, Intermediate, Business and Casual English. I have the IELTS certificate that can help students prepare for exams as well as job interviews. I specialize in grammar, accent reduction, Business English and public speaking. On the other hand, I am a former Radio Disc Jockey or DJ, and singing is one of my hobbies. Also, I love to deal with people of different personalities.

Hi! I have been teaching English online since 2012, although my profession is a Registered Nurse. I teach Basic, Intermediate, Business and Casual English. I have the IELTS certificate that can help students prepare for exams as well as job interviews. I specialize in grammar, accent reduction, Business English and public speaking. On the other hand, I am a former Radio Disc Jockey or DJ, and singing is one of my hobbies. Also, I love to deal with people of different personalities.

Message to Students
안녕하세요! 제 본업은 간호사이고, 2012년부터 온라인 영어 강의를 하고 있어요. 저는 IELTS 자격을 가지고 있고, 덕분에 학생들의 시험 준비나 면접을 도와줄 수 있어요. 저는 문법, 악센트 교정, 비즈니스 영어, 스피치 등을 가르쳐요. 또 저는 DJ로 일한 적이 있고, 노래 부르기가 취미예요. 제가 여러분이 영어 글과 말하기를 모두 다룰 수 있도록 도와줄게요! 곧 뵈요!

Hi! I have been teaching English online since 2012, although my profession is a Registered Nurse. I teach Basic, Intermediate, Business and Casual English. I have the IELTS certificate that can help students prepare for exams as well as job interviews. I specialize in grammar, accent reduction, Business English and public speaking. On the other hand, I am a former Radio Disc Jockey or DJ, and singing is one of my hobbies. I’m sure I can help you with your Spoken and written English in a fun way! See you!

Hi! I have been teaching English online since 2012, although my profession is a Registered Nurse. I teach Basic, Intermediate, Business and Casual English. I have the IELTS certificate that can help students prepare for exams as well as job interviews. I specialize in grammar, accent reduction, Business English and public speaking. On the other hand, I am a former Radio Disc Jockey or DJ, and singing is one of my hobbies. I’m sure I can help you with your Spoken and written English in a fun way! See you!

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