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I am here to encourage you and keep you motivated


I am here to encourage you and keep you motivated

1,323 Lessons


Tudal's Message!
우리 아미튜터는여. 비즈니스 영어 티칭 경험이 많은 튜터에요.
왕초보 학생 티칭 경험도 많아서 부담 없이 수업 가능한 다정한 튜터랍니다!

저는 2012년 5월부터 일본 학생들과 직장인들에게 영어를 가르치기 시작했습니다.
저는 아직도 그 회사에서 일하고 있습니다.
저는 다양한 수준과 연령대의 학생들을 지도할 수 있습니다.
제 수업을 시험 삼아 들어봤던 학생들은 대부분 제 정규 학생이 되었습니다. 저는 교육자로써의 일에 큰 열정을 가지고 있습니다.

I started teaching the English language to Japanese students and business professionals in May 2012.
I still work for the same company and I enjoy doing it.
I give classes to students who are in the beginner level up to the advanced. I can facilitate classes with very young learners and those who are advanced in age.
I must say that my students who take my trial classes usually become my regular students. This is my passion and I do not see myself working for another profession.

I started teaching the English language to Japanese students and business professionals in May 2012.
I still work for the same company and I enjoy doing it.
I give classes to students who are in the beginner level up to the advanced. I can facilitate classes with very young learners and those who are advanced in age.
I must say that my students who take my trial classes usually become my regular students. This is my passion and I do not see myself working for another profession.

Message to Students
저는 Armie 선생님이고, 모두들 좋은 시간을 보내고 있길 바래요.
저는 여러분의 영어 공부에 활기를 불어넣어주기 위해 왔어요. 물론 영어 공부는 힘들겠지만, 여러분의 노력을 통해서라면 뭐든 해낼 수 있답니다!
어서 만나서 제가 얻은 지식을 나누고 싶네요.
제 수업에서 뵈어요!

Hello there!
I'm Teacher Armie and I hope everybody's having a great day!
I am here to encourage you and keep you motivated in studying the English language. Yes, there might be challenges but nothing will beat your determination in life!
I would love to meet you and share what I've learned and skills I've acquired as regards the English language.
Hoping to see you in my classes!

Hello there!
I'm Teacher Armie and I hope everybody's having a great day!
I am here to encourage you and keep you motivated in studying the English language. Yes, there might be challenges but nothing will beat your determination in life!
I would love to meet you and share what I've learned and skills I've acquired as regards the English language.
Hoping to see you in my classes!

  • BEST Months2 classes / week, total 120 classes
    USD 140/ Month
    USD 840
    USD / class
  • BEST 個月 每周 2 堂課 , 共 120 堂課
    USD 140/ 月
    USD 840
    USD / 堂課