24/7, 1:1 English Conversation App

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199 Lessons


수업 강사 - 5년
교육 행정직 - 15년
교육 컨설턴트 - 5년
온라인 ESL 선생님 - 3년

Classroom Teacher - 5 years
Education Administrator - 15 years
Education Consultant - 5 years
Online ESL Teacher - 3 years

Classroom Teacher - 5 years
Education Administrator - 15 years
Education Consultant - 5 years
Online ESL Teacher - 3 years

Message to Students
뉴욕에서 보내는 인삿말!
저는 교육 행정직과 선생님으로서 20년 가까이 일해왔어요. 그리고 온라인으로 영어를 2년 넘게 가르쳐 왔죠. 저는 교육에 2개의 석사와 fine art에 학사를 가지고 이썽요.

저는 제 학생들을 관심을 끌어서 가르쳐요. 저는 사람들이 참여하고 집중하고 편안할때 가장 언어를 잘 배운다고 생각하니까요. 어서 만나요!

Hello from New York City! I have been a teacher and education administrator for almost 20 years. I have been teaching English to students online for over two years. I have two Masters degrees in Education and a Bachelors in Fine Arts.

My approach to teaching is making my classes student centered. I feel that people learn best when they are engaged, focused and, relaxed.

I love learning about my students and tailoring an education experience to ensure they excel and, have fun along the way. Can't wait to see you in class.

Hello from New York City! I have been a teacher and education administrator for almost 20 years. I have been teaching English to students online for over two years. I have two Masters degrees in Education and a Bachelors in Fine Arts.

My approach to teaching is making my classes student centered. I feel that people learn best when they are engaged, focused and, relaxed.

I love learning about my students and tailoring an education experience to ensure they excel and, have fun along the way. Can't wait to see you in class.

  • BEST Months2 classes / week, total 120 classes
    USD 140/ Month
    USD 840
    USD / class
  • BEST 個月 每周 2 堂課 , 共 120 堂課
    USD 140/ 月
    USD 840
    USD / 堂課