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안녕하세요, 제 이름은 안젤리이고, 물리치료사이기도 하고 자격증있는 선생님이고 해요. 또한 최근에 INTESOL worldwide 자격증을 따기도 했어요. 중국, 일본, 한국 학생들에게 영어를 가르친지 4년이 넘었어요. 저는 제 직업을 사랑하는데 왜냐하면 다양한 새로운 사람들을 만나고 그들의 문화를 여행없이 그것들을 배울 수 있어서 좋아해요.

Hi, My name is Angeli and I'm a license Physical Therapist and a license Teacher as well. I have also recently received my certificate in teaching English as a foreign language with Teaching English to Young Learners from INTESOL Worldwide. I've been teaching English for more than 4 years now to Japanese, Chinese and Korean learners. In my years of experience in teaching online, I have garnered and honed my skills in teaching English. I love my job because I'm able to meet new people and learn their culture without having to travel to those places.

Hi, My name is Angeli and I'm a license Physical Therapist and a license Teacher as well. I have also recently received my certificate in teaching English as a foreign language with Teaching English to Young Learners from INTESOL Worldwide. I've been teaching English for more than 4 years now to Japanese, Chinese and Korean learners. In my years of experience in teaching online, I have garnered and honed my skills in teaching English. I love my job because I'm able to meet new people and learn their culture without having to travel to those places.

Message to Students
안녕하세요, 여러분~ 저는 잉그리드 튜터예요! 저는 물리치료학과와 교육학을 전공했어요. 저는 강아지를 정말 좋아하고 자연도 좋아한답니다. 예전에는 친구들과 캠핑도 종종 가곤 했어요. 지금은 바빠서 자주 못 가지만요. 여가 시간에는 정원을 가꾸고는 해요.
저는 TEYL 자격증 등 몇 가지 전문 자격증을 을 보유하고 있는 선생님이에요.
제 발음은 영어를 이제 막 배우기 시작한 학생들도 알아듣기 쉬운 자연스러운 발음이에요.
영어를 배우는게 두렵고 무섭다고요? 저와 함께라면 여러분은 재미있게 영어를 배울 수 있을거예요.
프리토킹 수업, 비즈니스 영어 수업, 아이엘츠 수업까지 다양한 수업을 하고 있으니까 제 수업을 수강해보세요!
그럼 여러분, 제 수업에서 만나요~!

Hi! My name is Angeli Ingrid and you can call me Ingrid. I majored in Physical Therapy and Education.
I am a dog lover and a nature lover as well. I used to go on camping trips with my friends in the past. However due to my hectic work schedule, I haven't been on any camping trips anymore. During my spare time, I like tending to my small vegetable garden.
I have a TEYL certificate from INTESOL Worldwide in addition to my two professional licenses.
I have a neutral accent which will be easy to understand especially for beginners.
Booking a class with me is your best option to guarantee you some fun learning time. I can guarantee you that you will not feel scared or nervous in talking to a foreign English teacher for the first time.
I offer conversational classes, business English, IELTs classes, etc. Just book my class and we'll have a fun and educational class!
I really look forward to having you in one of my classes. See you!

Hi! My name is Angeli Ingrid and you can call me Ingrid. I majored in Physical Therapy and Education.
I am a dog lover and a nature lover as well. I used to go on camping trips with my friends in the past. However due to my hectic work schedule, I haven't been on any camping trips anymore. During my spare time, I like tending to my small vegetable garden.
I have a TEYL certificate from INTESOL Worldwide in addition to my two professional licenses.
I have a neutral accent which will be easy to understand especially for beginners.
Booking a class with me is your best option to guarantee you some fun learning time. I can guarantee you that you will not feel scared or nervous in talking to a foreign English teacher for the first time.
I offer conversational classes, business English, IELTs classes, etc. Just book my class and we'll have a fun and educational class!
I really look forward to having you in one of my classes. See you!

  • BEST Months2 classes / week, total 120 classes
    USD 140/ Month
    USD 840
    USD / class
  • BEST 個月 每周 2 堂課 , 共 120 堂課
    USD 140/ 月
    USD 840
    USD / 堂課