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2년 이상의 자격을 갖춘 영어 선생님입니다. ESL 을 중국,한국 그리고 일본 학생들에게 가르친 경험이 있습니다.

I am a licensed teacher with more than two years of experience teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) to foreign students specifically Chinese, Korean and Japanese citizens.

I am a licensed teacher with more than two years of experience teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) to foreign students specifically Chinese, Korean and Japanese citizens.

Message to Students
안녕하세요! 저는 Mel 입니다. 자격을 갖춘 선생님으로 외국 학생들에게 ESL 을 가르치고, 다양한 외국계기업들의 직장인들을 상대하면서 비즈니스 영어를 가르치기도 했습니다. 저는 토익성적을 가진 사람으로 여러분에게 토익 스피킹 지도를 해드릴 수도 있습니다.
저의 이러한 경험을 바탕으로 최고의 지도자가 될 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다. 그러니 함께 영어의 참 된 묘미에 대해 알아가요!

Hello there! I am Melinda Baricuatro but you can call me Mel for short. I am a licensed teacher with more than two years of experience teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) to foreign students specifically Chinese, Korean and Japanese citizens.
Aside from my education background, I have extensive experience working in the corporate world which gave me the opportunity to meet and deal with various business executives belonging to the top corporations both here and abroad. I am a TOEIC certificate holder and I have attended various teaching and business trainings. Most of my students, kids and adult alike, appreciate my dynamic method of teaching.

I have traveled to several cities around the world and met and learned different cultures from various types of people.
Given those exposures and experiences, I must say I am very effective to be an ideal trainer to help you improve your oral and written communication skills. So, come join me and let's explore the beauty of the English language!

Hello there! I am Melinda Baricuatro but you can call me Mel for short. I am a licensed teacher with more than two years of experience teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) to foreign students specifically Chinese, Korean and Japanese citizens.
Aside from my education background, I have extensive experience working in the corporate world which gave me the opportunity to meet and deal with various business executives belonging to the top corporations both here and abroad. I am a TOEIC certificate holder and I have attended various teaching and business trainings. Most of my students, kids and adult alike, appreciate my dynamic method of teaching.

I have traveled to several cities around the world and met and learned different cultures from various types of people.
Given those exposures and experiences, I must say I am very effective to be an ideal trainer to help you improve your oral and written communication skills. So, come join me and let's explore the beauty of the English language!

  • BEST Months2 classes / week, total 120 classes
    USD 140/ Month
    USD 840
    USD / class
  • BEST 個月 每周 2 堂課 , 共 120 堂課
    USD 140/ 月
    USD 840
    USD / 堂課