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저는 자격증이 있는 교사이며, 유치원에서 가르친지 5년이 되었습니다. 4년 동안 2개의 국제학교에서 일하기도 하였지만 제가 제일 즐거워했던 경험은 Gymboree Play and Music 에서 가르쳤던 것입니다. 일년동안 프리랜서로 유치원 선생님과 튜터로 재직하기도 했습니다. 또한 다양한 교육봉사를 진행하기도 했습니다.

I am a professional licensed teacher and I've been teaching preschool for 5 years. For four years, I have worked in two international schools, but what I have enjoyed the most
is teaching at Gymboree Play and Music.
I have also worked as a freelance preschool teacher and tutor for a year. Moreover, I also had a wonderful experience being a volunteer teacher for the underprivileged, which is a project under the Department of Education and ABS-CBN Foundation.
I also volunteered as a Sunday School Kids teacher for our local church.

I am a professional licensed teacher and I've been teaching preschool for 5 years. For four years, I have worked in two international schools, but what I have enjoyed the most
is teaching at Gymboree Play and Music.
I have also worked as a freelance preschool teacher and tutor for a year. Moreover, I also had a wonderful experience being a volunteer teacher for the underprivileged, which is a project under the Department of Education and ABS-CBN Foundation.
I also volunteered as a Sunday School Kids teacher for our local church.

Message to Students
좋은 하루네요.
선생님으로써 여러분들과 제 지식 그리고 열정을 나누는 것은 저를 아주 신나게 합니다. 다른 사람들에게 닿을 수 있고, 진정한 친구를 만나고 영어를 가르칠 수 있는 이 기회는 진정으로 좋은 경험이 될 것이라고 생각합니다. 저희가 이 기회를 즐길 수 있을 것이라고 장담해요. 당신을 격려하고 최선을 다해 가르치겠습니다.

Good day!

As a Teacher, the thought of sharing my knowledge and passion with all of you really excites me!
This opportunity to reach out to other people, teach English and gain friends is truly a one of a kind experience, and I am sure
we will all enjoy this. I hope we'll all have the best learning moments together. I will do my best and I will cheer you on!
I am looking forward to meet you soon! :)

Good day!

As a Teacher, the thought of sharing my knowledge and passion with all of you really excites me!
This opportunity to reach out to other people, teach English and gain friends is truly a one of a kind experience, and I am sure
we will all enjoy this. I hope we'll all have the best learning moments together. I will do my best and I will cheer you on!
I am looking forward to meet you soon! :)

  • BEST Months2 classes / week, total 120 classes
    USD 140/ Month
    USD 840
    USD / class
  • BEST 個月 每周 2 堂課 , 共 120 堂課
    USD 140/ 月
    USD 840
    USD / 堂課