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Maria Grace

I am able to help students to reach their full potentials in English communication and to make a difference in their future career lives making English as their 2nd language.

Maria Grace

I am able to help students to reach their full potentials in English communication and to make a difference in their future career lives making English as their 2nd language.

5,643 Lessons


저는 ECN Company에서 한국 학생들에게 5년간 온라인으로 영어를 가르쳤습니다. 저는 현재 2년째 VIPTalk에서 중국 대학생들에게 영어회화를 가르치고 있습니다. 감사합니다.

I use to teach on line English with South Koreans under ECN Company for 5 years. I am now on going to my second year teaching on line Conversational English to College students for China, under VIPTALK. Thank you.

I use to teach on line English with South Koreans under ECN Company for 5 years. I am now on going to my second year teaching on line Conversational English to College students for China, under VIPTALK. Thank you.

Message to Students
저는 Maria Grace Gomez예요. 저를 MG 선생님이나 Grace 선생님이라고 불러주세요. 저는 지난 6년간 저녁 시간에 온라인 영어 강의를 해왔어요. 저는 7세에서 75세의 다양한 연령층의 남한 학생들을 지도해봤어요. 제 본업은 의료인이지만, 저는 영어를 가르치는 일을 정말로 좋아한답니다. 저는 영어로 토론을 하거나 영어 게시판을 사용하며 대화를 나누는 것을 정말 좋아해요. 저는 영문학, 영시, 영어 신문기사, 크로스워드 퍼즐, 낱말 맞추기 게임을 하는걸 좋아해요. 또 저는 영미권 영화나 TV 프로그램을 보는 것도 좋아한답니다. 이런 취미들을 통해서 제 영어 실력을 좀 더 능숙하게 완성시키기도 했답니다.

I am Maria Grace Gomez. You can call me teacher MG or teacher Grace. i have been teaching the English language online in the evenings for 6 years now and my students were initially South Koreans from ages 7 to 75 years old. Although I am a Medic by profession, i can not deny my passion on teaching the English language because I enjoy doing it. ... I love to socialize through English communication by going on debates & forums and through plain English conversations ... I love to read and do English writings, poems, editorials, crossword puzzles & playing English scrabbles and I love to watch English movies and TV Programs. These are some of the ways I learned how to be fluent and proficient in the English language.

I am Maria Grace Gomez. You can call me teacher MG or teacher Grace. i have been teaching the English language online in the evenings for 6 years now and my students were initially South Koreans from ages 7 to 75 years old. Although I am a Medic by profession, i can not deny my passion on teaching the English language because I enjoy doing it. ... I love to socialize through English communication by going on debates & forums and through plain English conversations ... I love to read and do English writings, poems, editorials, crossword puzzles & playing English scrabbles and I love to watch English movies and TV Programs. These are some of the ways I learned how to be fluent and proficient in the English language.

  • BEST Months2 classes / week, total 120 classes
    USD 140/ Month
    USD 840
    USD / class
  • BEST 個月 每周 2 堂課 , 共 120 堂課
    USD 140/ 月
    USD 840
    USD / 堂課