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Claudine D.

Claudine D.

3,645 Lessons


안녕하세요, 영어를 가르친지 2년이 되어가요. 저는 보통 학생들이 영어의 배움과 말하기 에 있어서 두려움을 극복하는데 도움을 주고, 자신감과 더 좋은 스피커가 될 수 있도록 도와주어요. 언어의 배움은 단순히 단어를 배우고 스킬이나 액센트, 문법을 향상시키는게 아니라, 사람들간의 틈을 좁히고 벽을 부수는 것이라 생각해요.

Hi, I've been teaching for over 2 years now. I commonly help students to overcome that fears of learning and speak in English, build confidence and become a better speaker of the language. I, edified that learning is not just about enhancing vocabulary or your skill or improving accent nor perfecting grammar. Learning a certain language is about bridging gaps and breaking barriers.

Hi, I've been teaching for over 2 years now. I commonly help students to overcome that fears of learning and speak in English, build confidence and become a better speaker of the language. I, edified that learning is not just about enhancing vocabulary or your skill or improving accent nor perfecting grammar. Learning a certain language is about bridging gaps and breaking barriers.

Message to Students
성공이란 관심이다. 너는 다른 누구보다 더 관심을 가져야만 한다.
숨쉬는 만큼 성공하고 싶을때, 너는 성공하게 될것이다.

세상의 모든 것보다 더 중요한 무언가를 쫒을 때 우리는 다른 사람보다 더 그것에 관심을 갖게 되어요. 결국 그 사람들이 최고가 될 수 있어요. 자신을 믿어요!

“Success means caring. You’ve got to care more than anyone else does.”
“When you want to succeed as badly as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.” When we pursue something that means more to us than anything, we’ll care more than most others do. That’s just fine. Those ones who do care with us will appear at the right time to champion our cause in the right way. Believe it as the truth, and the truth it shall become.
see you :)

“Success means caring. You’ve got to care more than anyone else does.”
“When you want to succeed as badly as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.” When we pursue something that means more to us than anything, we’ll care more than most others do. That’s just fine. Those ones who do care with us will appear at the right time to champion our cause in the right way. Believe it as the truth, and the truth it shall become.
see you :)

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