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Julienne Marie

I can handle all student levels regardless of age

Julienne Marie

I can handle all student levels regardless of age

19,416 Lessons


Tudal's Message!
줄리앤 선생님은 미국 캘리포니아 주립대에서 공부하시고 졸업하셨어요. 2013년부터 영어 수업을 하셨고, IELTS 등의 시험 영어부터 일반 회화까지 처음부터 하나하나 배워가는 즐거움을 주실 거에요!

Learn what you really need with Julienne's helpful feedback.

Learn what you really need with Julienne's helpful feedback.

저는 기초, 초중급, 고급, 비즈니스와 일상 영어를 가르칩니다. 저는 IELTS 시험 준비, 악센트 교정, 스피치 연습, 면접 준비 등도 지도할 수 있습니다. 저는 교육자로써의 일을 2013년에 시작하며 3가지를 중점적인 목표로 삼았습니다: 학생의 최대 능력을 끌어내기, 학생들에게 기술에 대한 관심 이끌어내기, 모든 학생들에게 자신감을 심어주기가 바로 그것입니다.

I teach Basic, Intermediate, Advanced,Business and Casual English. I can help prepare for exams in IELTS, accent reduction, public speaking as well as job interviews. Ever since I started teaching in 2013, I have been passionate in my commitment to three things: maximizing individual student performance, inspiring students’ interest in technology and instilling a sense of self-worth among all students.

I teach Basic, Intermediate, Advanced,Business and Casual English. I can help prepare for exams in IELTS, accent reduction, public speaking as well as job interviews. Ever since I started teaching in 2013, I have been passionate in my commitment to three things: maximizing individual student performance, inspiring students’ interest in technology and instilling a sense of self-worth among all students.

Message to Students
저는 나이와 상황, 영어 실력에 상관 없이 어떤 학생이든 지도할 수 있어요. 저희들의 영어 수업은 아주 유익하면서도 재미있는 시간이 될 거에요. 저는 항상 열정적이고 유쾌하게 주제를 이끌면서 학생이 기쁘게 배울 수 있도록 해요. 그러니 영어 배움을 멈추지 말아요….꾸준히 하는 게 핵심이니까요!

I can handle all student levels regardless of age, status and their level of understanding in the English language. We can make English classes very informative but at the same time fun. I always make sure I’m very enthusiastic and passionate about the topic to facilitate student learning in gratifying way. So never stop learning English….It’s a continuous process!

I can handle all student levels regardless of age, status and their level of understanding in the English language. We can make English classes very informative but at the same time fun. I always make sure I’m very enthusiastic and passionate about the topic to facilitate student learning in gratifying way. So never stop learning English….It’s a continuous process!

  • BEST Months2 classes / week, total 120 classes
    USD 140/ Month
    USD 840
    USD / class
  • BEST 個月 每周 2 堂課 , 共 120 堂課
    USD 140/ 月
    USD 840
    USD / 堂課