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Great pronunciation, a very patient tutor RJ!


Great pronunciation, a very patient tutor RJ!

2,140 Lessons


11년간 교육자로 일했습니다.

11 years of teaching experience

11 years of teaching experience

Message to Students
영어를 말하는데 어려움을 느끼나요?
제가 해결해줄 수 있겠네요. 저는 몇 년간 쌓은 경험을 통해서 여러분의 삶에 변화를 만들어줄게요. 제가 재미있고 창의적인 수업을 통해서 여러분의 영어 실력을 키워줄게요. 배우고 가르치는 일은 평생의 일이에요. 좋은 영어 선생님은 자기가 가르치는 것 보다 학생이 배우는 것에 더욱 관심을 가지는 선생님이랍니다!

읽어줘서 고마워요. 수업에서 뵈요!

Are you having a hard time speaking the English language?
Well, I could be the solution to your problem. As a teacher it is my responsibility to help my students become better English speakers.With the experiences I have gained over the years ;I’m pretty confident that I would be able to make a difference in your life. It is all about the love for teaching. It has always been that way, and it always will for me.These are the things which I could offer to you and I could give you an assurance that you will have a fun and creative way of learning in my class. Remember,teaching and learning is a life long process.An effective language teacher is one that cares more about their students’ learning than they do about their own teaching!
Much thanks and I hope get to know you more in my class. See you!

Are you having a hard time speaking the English language?
Well, I could be the solution to your problem. As a teacher it is my responsibility to help my students become better English speakers.With the experiences I have gained over the years ;I’m pretty confident that I would be able to make a difference in your life. It is all about the love for teaching. It has always been that way, and it always will for me.These are the things which I could offer to you and I could give you an assurance that you will have a fun and creative way of learning in my class. Remember,teaching and learning is a life long process.An effective language teacher is one that cares more about their students’ learning than they do about their own teaching!
Much thanks and I hope get to know you more in my class. See you!

  • BEST Months2 classes / week, total 120 classes
    USD 140/ Month
    USD 840
    USD / class
  • BEST 個月 每周 2 堂課 , 共 120 堂課
    USD 140/ 月
    USD 840
    USD / 堂課