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12,678 Lessons


우리 프렛지튜터는여. 비즈니스 영어와 아이엘츠를 전문적으로 하는 튜터구여.
어린이 친구들을 가르친 경험도 많아서 천천히 말하고, 잘 들어주시는 다정한 튜터랍니다!

저는 3년째 교육자로써 일하고 있습니다. 저는 풍부한 교육 경험을 통해서 학생들에게 가치와 배움의 경험을 나누는 법을 배웠습니다. 저는 학생들에게서 능력을 이끌어내고 영어 실력을 키우는 일을 돕습니다. 저는 다양한 연령대와 수준을 가진 많은 국가의 학생들을 지도해본 경험이 있습니다. 또한 저는 성인들을 대상으로 비즈니스 영어와 IELTS를 지도한 바 있습니다.

I have been teaching for three years now, Through my extensive experience in teaching I was able to share to people good Values and more learning experiences. As a teacher my role to my student is to bring out the best in them and help them to learn and improve their English language. I've Already handled different students ages, and levels from different countries, I had experienced teaching adults too for business English and IELTS.

I have been teaching for three years now, Through my extensive experience in teaching I was able to share to people good Values and more learning experiences. As a teacher my role to my student is to bring out the best in them and help them to learn and improve their English language. I've Already handled different students ages, and levels from different countries, I had experienced teaching adults too for business English and IELTS.

재미있게 영어를 배우고 싶나요? 제대로 찾았네요! 저는 Fretzie 선생님이에요. 튜터링에 온걸 환영해요. 저는 가르치는 일에 큰 열정을 가지고 있답니다. 저는 다양한 연령층과 수준의 학생들에게 3년간 영어를 가르친 경험이 있어요. 또 저는 비즈니스 영어와 IELTS도 가르친답니다. 수업에서 자유롭게 대화를 나눌 수도 있어요. 저는 선생님으로써 끈기 있게, 사려 깊게, 한결같게, 진심으로 학생을 대하려고 해요. 저는 여러분의 영어 실력을 키우는 것을 도울 거예요. 함께 수업하며 목표를 이뤄봅시다. 튜터링에 어서 참여하세요. 빨리 만나고 싶네요. 제 수업에서 뵈요!!

Do you want to learn English while having fun? You’ve come to the right place! I am
teacher Fretzie and I would like to welcome you to Tutoring . Teaching is my passion -a fulfillment of oneself. I have been Teaching English at all levels from kids, young adult and adults for three years now. I also teach Business English and IELTS. We can also have free talk in my class My teaching philosophy is be mindful, patient, consistent and honest. As your teacher, my role is to bring out the best in you, and help you learn and improve your English language. Let’s work together towards your goals. Come and join us here at Tutoring . Cant wait to meet you. See you in my Class.!!

Do you want to learn English while having fun? You’ve come to the right place! I am
teacher Fretzie and I would like to welcome you to Tutoring . Teaching is my passion -a fulfillment of oneself. I have been Teaching English at all levels from kids, young adult and adults for three years now. I also teach Business English and IELTS. We can also have free talk in my class My teaching philosophy is be mindful, patient, consistent and honest. As your teacher, my role is to bring out the best in you, and help you learn and improve your English language. Let’s work together towards your goals. Come and join us here at Tutoring . Cant wait to meet you. See you in my Class.!!

  • BEST Months2 classes / week, total 120 classes
    USD 140/ Month
    USD 840
    USD / class
  • BEST 個月 每周 2 堂課 , 共 120 堂課
    USD 140/ 月
    USD 840
    USD / 堂課