24小時 一對一英語會話App



Kai D.


Kai D.


21,442 Lessons


저는 필리핀에서 한 사업가를 도우면서 교육 경험을 쌓았습니다. 저는 그 사업가의 아들과 1대1로 기초 영어 – 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기, 그리고 영어 회화를 가르쳤습니다. 또한, 저는 쉬는 시간에 한국인 매니저에게 영어를 가르쳤습니다. 또 저는 필리핀의 초등학생들에게 영어 숙제를 도와준 경험도 있습니다.

I had one teaching experience in the past when I was still working for a Korean Businessman here in the Philippines. It's a one on one, face to face tutorial where I taught his son Basic English on how to read, write, speak and how to converse well using the English language. I also taught my Korean Manager some English when we had our free time in the office. I've also taught a few grade school Filipinos in the past with their English Subject Home-works.

I had one teaching experience in the past when I was still working for a Korean Businessman here in the Philippines. It's a one on one, face to face tutorial where I taught his son Basic English on how to read, write, speak and how to converse well using the English language. I also taught my Korean Manager some English when we had our free time in the office. I've also taught a few grade school Filipinos in the past with their English Subject Home-works.

제 이름은 Maricar 예요. Kai 선생님이라고 불러도 좋아요. 저는 학생들을 만날 수 있어서 정말로 신나요. 저랑 함께 공부를 하는 건 완전히 새롭고 재미있는 경험일 거예요. 질문이나 걱정이 있다면 언제든 저에게 말해주세요. 함께 웃음과 함께 공부해봐요.

Hello dear students,

My name is Maricar but you can also call me Teacher Kai. I am very excited to meet you as my students. Learning with me would be a whole new experience with fun and knowledge. You can approach me anytime if you have any questions or concerns. Let's all learn together and have a lot of smiles while learning.

Hello dear students,

My name is Maricar but you can also call me Teacher Kai. I am very excited to meet you as my students. Learning with me would be a whole new experience with fun and knowledge. You can approach me anytime if you have any questions or concerns. Let's all learn together and have a lot of smiles while learning.

  • BEST Months2 classes / week, total 120 classes
    USD 140/ Month
    USD 840
    USD / class
  • BEST 個月 每周 2 堂課 , 共 120 堂課
    USD 140/ 月
    USD 840
    USD / 堂課