Transparent Subscription Price Tutoring is different
Proven successful learning at 1/3 of the cost than any other E-learning solutions.
- Global tutorsfrom English dual-language countries
- Native tutorsfrom English as mother-tongue countries
One class is 20 minutes but tickets can be used several times a day.
How can Tutoring be so affordable?
#The secret is all about how we operate- Call Center
Full-time tutors
at one location - Managers for tutors
Traditional phone-English operators
have higher overheads to operate a call center,
which makes students pay more
while tutors are paid less.
Global communication
technology -
Large pool
of tutors -
learning system
We hire tutors directly and use global communication technology
to cover any part of the globe at lower cost.
How can Tutoring Keep higher quality?
#Competition to be teacher We have improved the quality of the classes by recruitment processand tutor management globally at a lower cost. Particular application condition and employment process creates high quality-proved tutors.
We continuously manage classes with professional QA team to improve our tutors regularly.
Find your tutors at Tutoring
We can garuantee that any tutor that you choose
will bring you great success in learning English!
Made just got you Find every topic you like
#Topics of your interests-
Advanced Business
Business TripLearn new expressions
for your business trip! -
Business English Meeting 1
Learn useful expressions
you can use during the meeting! -
Business English :
Phone calls외국 바이어의 전화를
받을 준비가 되셨나요?
English educated professionals have already created
the curriculum and contents to help you reach your goals.
No need to purchase a book or download contents!
You can study at your own pace, any time, anywhere!
Don't wait, start now your class with Tutoring Now!
All plans have a minimum number of classes for each month?
Example 1) 36 classes / 3 months plan: 12 classes in a month
Example 2) 48 classes / 6 months plan: 8 classes in a month
What if I did not complete the minimum classes every month?
Do not worry. Unused classes can be carried forward automatically. However, refunds are not allowed for unused classes when the plan ends.
What if I have more classes than the minimum?
You can have classes freely at any time within the total number of tickets purchased.
- One class is 20 mintues but tickets can be used to extend the class and also used several times a day.
- If the student ends the class before 20 minutes then the unused minutes can be redeemed before the midnight.
- For more information, please refer to FAQ or contact us.