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  • #Proofreading Can I buy the correction tickets?

    Yes, the correction ticket will be provided when you purchase the lesson plan. We are planning to sell it at Point Mall in the future.

    *Correction Service is only available in South Korea. (We are currently discussing the implementation for overseas users. We will notify you once the function is added.)

  • #Plans How are the tickets used!

    [How to use]

    1. Usage of tickets

    There are two types of lesson tickets: 20 minutes and 10 minutes.

    Both of them can be used for extenstion of lessons but only 20 minutes ticket can be used for reservation.

    If your lesson is less than 20 minutes, the remaining minutes can still be saved and valid until midnight (KST) by the day.

    For reserved lessons, a lesson ticket will be deducted for making an appointment. If the tutor doesn't show up, it will be restored into your account. However, tickets will not be restored if student doesn't show-up.

    You must use all the tickets within the specified period.

    Please check the expiry date at [My Tutoring > My Lesson Ticket]

    * Expiry date may be different if you have more than one lesson plan. Please kindly check the date for each plan.

    2. Remaining tickets

    Remaining tickets refer to all unused or reserved lesson tickets.

    The remaining tickets can only be used within the valid period of lesson plans.

    3. Unused tickets

    Minimum lessons per month is required.

    If the number of minimum lessons required is not fulfilled, the unused tickets can still be used during the valid period of lesson plan.

    However, refund will be proceeded according to the "minimum lessons per month" policy.

    4. Refund Policy

    A) If the usage of the lesson tickets are less than "minimum lessons per month", "minimum lessons per month" will be deducted instead of the actual lessons taken.

    ie it is the 3rd month of the plan and only 10 tickets have been used.

    Global / 96 lessons / 12 months (package discounted price: USD432)

    Minimum lessons per month = 96 lessons / 12 months = 8 lessons (Less than 8 lessons per month)

    USD 6 x 3 months x 8 (min. lessons) = USD144

    Refundable amount: USD432 - USD144 = USD288

    B) If you had taken lessons more than the "minimum lessons per month", refund will be done after deducting the lesson tickets had been used.

    ie it is the 3rd month of the plan and only 30 tickets have been used.

    Global / 96 lessons / 12 months (package discounted price: USD432)

    USD6 x 30 lessons = USD180

    Refundable amount: USD432 - USD180 = USD252

    **Refund will be done by deducting the original price instead of the discounted price.**
    **Extended tickets are not applicable in the refund policy and cannot be refunded.**
    **All the payment will be proceeded in USD.**
    **Overseas card may take up to 10 business days.**

  • #Buy&Refund What is the refund process?

    About the Refund Process

    (1) Request for refund -> (2) Check refund amount -> (3) Refund complete

    When refund is requested on 1:1 customer services, the refund amount will be informed and the refund process may take 2~3 days in average or up to 7 business days.

    Refund will take place once you agree the refund amount informed and the refund will be sent according to your payment method.

    Refund may not be settled immediately and it may take time becuase of the various payment gateway services.

    - Credit/Debit card: Refund may take up to 3~7 business days after the cancelation of payment. (For overseas card , it may take up to 10 business days.)
    - Virtual account: It may take up to 3 business days after the cancelation of payment.
    - Phone payment: It may take up to 3 business days after the cancelation of payment.
    (However, the payment will be not credited in your phone bill if the payment is canceled in the month of purchase.)

    The refund process is based on Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Please check Terms of Use 4.4(new) articles 129, 20, 21, 22).

  • #Buy&Refund Can I use a foreign card?

    Yes, Visa, Master and JCB are able to settle the payment but only available for Tutoring global users.

    (Tutoring global users refer to users living abroad and set their phone default language in English.)

  • #Buy&Refund Do I have to use credit card only?

    You can use Paypal and credit card.

    The automatic monthly purchase can be done by both credit card and debit card.

    (Monthly purchase is only available for Korean Won transaction.)

  • #Plans Can I extend my unused tickets if it is going to be expired?

    If your purchase another lesson plan within 2 weeks before the expiry date of your current tickets, we will provide additional extension period for the leftover tickets.

    *In order to extend the unused tickets, you must purchase new study plan which lasts for more than 3 months or above.

    For example, if you buy 6-month lesson plan, your unused tickets can be extended to 6 months more, and so on.

    If your current lesson plan and tickets already expired, please contact our customer services for details.

    *Please note that extended tickets are exempted from refund policy, which means cannot be refunded once they are extended.

  • #How to use How do I use the 'appointment' booking?

    Please follow the steps below:

    1. Select tutor type: Global or Native.

    2. Choose the tutor you would like to make reservation.

    3. Select your available time on the list and make reservation. (If you would like to make reservation but the timeslot is blocked, please check availability by sending message to the tutor.)

    *A ticket will be deducted when the appointment is made, so please be aware the day and time you reserved.
    *Ticket will not be restored if students do not show up at the reserved lesson / 10 mins after the reserved time.
    *Ticket will be restored to your account in an hour if tutors do not show up at the reserved lesson.
    *Reserved lessons cannot be cancelled within 6 hours before the starting time of lessons.
    *Reserved lessons can be made with 20 mins' ticket only.

  • #Notice Temporary Suspension of Lesson Extension Service

    Dear valued customers,

    Thank you for using our tutoring service. We are currently preparing for some new enhancements to bring you more convenience. As a result, we need to temporarily adjust some of our services and wish to notify you about this change.

    Starting from December 26, 23, until February 24, 24, our existing "Lesson Extension" service will be temporarily suspended. We are working hard to improve our services and ensure stability, with plans to resume the service as soon as possible.

    We kindly ask for your understanding and support in minimizing any inconvenience caused. If you require further assistance or have any inquiries, please feel free to contact us.

    Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

    The Tutoring Team

  • #Notice [Notice] Notice of Revised Terms of Service and Privacy Policy (2023.10.6)

    We would like to express our gratitude to our members for using our tutoring services.

    We would like to inform you about the revised terms and conditions for using our tutoring services, which will take effect on October 6, 2023. Please take note of the changes below to ensure a smooth experience while using our services.

     - Targeted Agreements: Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

     - Announcement Date: October 6, 2023 (Friday)

     - Effective Date: October 13, 2022 (Friday)

    By clicking the button below, you can review the updated terms and the previous terms.

  • #How to use I forgot my account details

    1. Lost of account

    We are able to look it up by using your payment information.

    Please send the following details to global@tutoring.co.kr

    - Phone : Date of purchase / phone number
    - Credit card : Date of purchase / card company / autorization number
    - Account transfer : Date of purchase / account holder / purchase amount


    2. Forget password

    Please send us the email address you registered in Tutoring app or your Tutoring ID to global@tutoring.co.kr

  • #How to use How can I use my coupon code?

    You can use your coupon code by the following procedure.

    My Tutoring > Benefits & info_My coupon > Register Code

    *Only available for Korean Won transaction. (We are currently discussing implementation of coupon code for overseas users. We will notify you once the function is added.)

  • #Plans I couldn't use all my subscription tickets.

    Don't worry! We will provide an additional period for the leftover tickets.

    - Order of using tickets : New payment in this month > leftover tickets in the previous month
    - The additional period is only available for the leftover tickets in [Tickets for this Month].


    1st Month - [New 12 tickets this month - 8 used (4 leftover tickets)]
    2nd Month - [New 12 tickets this month - 12 used] + [4 leftover tickets in previous month]
    3rd Month - [New 12 tickets this month - 10 used] + [No additional tickets as all 12 ticketed have been used]
    4th month - [New 12 tickets this month - 10 used] + [2 leftover tickets in pervious month]

    (Only available in South Korea)

  • #Buy&Refund Can we use points without limits?

    Our point usage policy is as follows:

    1. For first-time purchase: 10% of the purchase amount, maximum 15,000 points can be used.

    2. For re-purchase: 15% of the purchase amount, maximum 100,000 points can be used.

    (Only available for Korean Won transaction.)

  • #Notice Service Maintenance Notice(2023.03.16)
    Hello, this is Tutoring.
    We will conduct maintenance to provide a more stable service as follows.
    - Maintenance date: 2023.03.16 (Thu) 01:00 AM -02:00 AM KST (1 hour)
    - Maintenance area: Tutoring App / Jiayou App / Tutoring Website
    * The maintenance period may be shortened or delayed depending on the situation. 
    The service will not be available during the maintenance, and please understand that we are not responsible for any issues you experience within the period. Thank you for understanding - we will continue to try to provide more stable service.
    Thank you.
  • #Tutor Are tutors qualified?

    Tutors in Tutoring are all experienced with years of teaching and education.

    Tutors must go through competitive application and interview process with mock-up lessons. Only 1 out of 10 applicants become our tutor.

    Application and interview process:

    1st: Resume screening
    2nd: Technical check
    3rd: Video interview
    4th: Training
    5th: Mock lessons and test calls
    6th: Last screening

  • #Buy&Refund To refund your purchase

    Please fill out the refund form below.

    * If the transaction was paid in Korean won, please switch your phone language to Korean first, and process it.



    Please refer to Article 16 of [Terms of use 3.0 (new)] for our refund policy. : http://tutoringgo.com/home/help/

    *The refund process may take up to 14 business days.

  • #Errors I'm auto logged out!
    Tutoring is not allowed to log in to multiple devices with the same account. When you log in from another device, you will be logged out automatically from the device you used before.
    However, auto-logout may occur due to OS update or reset of your device, Tutoring app updates, Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA) reset, and network reset. If your device ID and IP address in the push notification are the same, please do not worry as they are auto logged out for the above reasons.
    If this happens to you continuously, we recommend you to re-install our application and set "ON" for the app tracking.
  • #Buy&Refund I want to cancel my subscription.

    1. Cancellation for this month
    - You can apply for a full refund within 7 days after the payment if the tickets are not yet used.
    - If you would like to apply for a refund, please go to [My Tutoring > Guide_CS Center > 1:1 chat] in the app.

    2. Cancellation for next month
    - If you would like to cancel the subscription, please kindly apply it through [My Tutoring > App Settings_Settings > Subscription Management_Subscription History] in the app.

    (Only available for Korean Won transaction.)

  • #Notice [Notice] Service Error Recovery Guideline

    Hello, this is Tutoring.

    We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you may have experienced in using our app.

    During service checkup, an error has occurred which caused unstable connection.


    - Date & Time: March 31st (Wed) 10:50-13:15

    - Tutoring App (Web) Access and Lesson Connection Failure


    This service error occurred during fixing an error founded from server checkup.

    The error founded needed an immediate fix and it took some time to normalize the service which created inconvenience to many customers.

    Also, we apologize for the delayed announcement after the error has occurred.

    All the errors are currently fixed and you may use the service as usual.

    We will provide individual guideline and compensation to the customers who have experienced the error.

    For further inquiries, please contact the CS (My Tutoring > CS > 1:1 Chat).

    We will improve the service to ensure that the same error does not occur and will fix the errors more promptly in case of service errors.

    We again sincerely apologize for the inconvenience in using our app.

    Thank you.


  • #Level Test When can I see the result for level test?

    Your level test tutor will send you a result right after the level test :)

    If you have not received a result, please ask our CS.


  • #Buy&Refund My payment isn't going through!

    Please contact our customer services for further assistance.


  • #Errors Technical problem

    Please report your issue through the button below.

    We will try to figure out the problem as soon as possible.


    Before reporting, please

    1. Check your device.

    - earphones

    - microphone setting

    2. Check to see if the app is updated.

    3. Check network settings

    - wifi

    - LTE

    - Make sure to have a strong and steady network connected.

    4. Contact our CS team

  • #How to use The tutor didn't complete the feedback after class.

    If you have not received any feedback within 3 hours after class, please contact our customer services.

    We will get in touch with the tutor and check our system as soon as possible.

  • #How to use I'm a newcomer but I haven't received the 'trial lesson coupon'.

    The 'trial lesson coupon' is issued only once to each mobile device and each registered account.

    Please check if you have already registered with the same mobile device before.

    However, if it's your first registration with the mobile device and haven't received the coupon, please contact our customer services.


  • #Level Test How do I take the level test?

    Please press the "start lesson" button to join your free level test.

    If you have not received any trial lesson ticket, please contact our 1:1 customer services.

  • #Tutor What are the differences between Global and Native tutors?

    Native tutors are mainly from English speaking countries, e.g. US, UK, Canada, Australia, South Africa, etc. They already obtained ESL professional qualifications, and they have both online and offline professional teaching experiences for years. Native tutors are recommended to intermediate level students or who are interested in daily conversational English.

    Global tutors speak English as good as native speaker and are educated with at least a bachelor's degree. They tend to teach with a more formal method while native tutors focus on teaching how to speak English more fluently. Other than that, they are all awesome tutors and teach English very well.

    Tutors will encourage students to speak in English through topic cards with different themes, e.g., travel, movies, cooking, in order to learn specific English expressions and vocabularies.

    You can also learn from both tutors by purchasing different plans.

  • #How to use What is Point?

    Points can be used as cash when lesson plans are purchased.

    Points usually are only given for the puchase of study plans but sometimes it is given out in special events.

    *Only available in South Korea.

  • #How to use I want to delete my account

    You can delete your account by the following procedure.

    My Tutoring > App Settings_Settings > Leave

    *Please be aware that previous account details CANNOT be restored after deleting the account.

  • #How to use I would like to extend the lesson time.

    Both 10-minute and 20-minute lesson tickets can be used for the extension of lessons.

    If you would like to extend your class, please press the 'extend class' button which pops up 3 minutes before the end of class.

    However, if the tutor has requested for 'call back', class cannot be extended.

    (Call back from tutor only occurs when the class has suddenly disconnected due to network issues.)

  • #How to use Can I have more than 1 lesson in a day?

    Yes! You may have as many as lessons as you want per day.

    In addition, if the tutor has no reservation classes afterwards, the conducted class can be extended 3 minutes before the end of class. You can click the 'extend class' button on the upper middle part of the screen.

    However, if the tutor has requested for 'call back', class cannot be extended.

    (Call back from tutor only occurs when the class has suddenly disconnected due to network issues.)

  • #Errors I miss the trial lesson ticket that was available for 12 hours.

    Please contact our 1:1 customer services and we will send you the trial lesson ticket right away.

    *Please note that the "trial lesson ticket" is issued only once to each mobile device and each registered account.

  • #Errors [iPhone] My tutor cannot hear my voice.

    This issue may occur if the usage of microphone is not permitted by iPhone users. P

    lease go to the iPhone setting page, and allow the TUTORING app (scroll to the bottom)> to allow the usage of microphone.

  • #How to use [What Is Lesson Recording File?]

    [What is lesson recording file?]

    Lesson recording files are provided for students' revision after the lessons.

    You are able to listen to the recording when the lesson is finished. However, it may take some time for the file to be uploaded and it may not be available immediately after the lesson.

    Please kindly wait for the uploading process to be completed in a few minutes. You will be able to access to the file when the uploading process is completed.

    In addition, the recording function is currently under a beta service and we are consistently improving the system.

    Error of recording files may happen because of various factors. Your understanding is greatly appreciated.

    [Note : Recording files cannot be downloaded]

    The recording file includes various information including the contents of the lesson, tutor’s teaching method, etc. Download of the recording file is not available as it involves the copyright of Tutoring’s content, also the protection of both tutors and students’ privacy.

  • #Errors I can't find my lesson recording.

    Due to the location and the network of overseas tutors, some classes might not be recorded properly.

    If you cannot find the recording of your lesson, please contact our 1:1 customer service or e-mail global@tutoring.co.kr.

    Tutoring will strive to stabilize the service as soon as possible.

  • #Policy Terms of use 1.0 (old)

    Tutoring Terms of Service


    Article 1 (Purpose)

    These Terms of Service apply to the services (hereinafter “services”) including the digital contents (hereinafter “contents”) provided by the website tutoring.kr (hereinafter “website”) and applications (hereinafter “app”) operated by Tutoring Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “company” or “Tutoring”) the rights, duties, and responsibilities of the company and its users.


    Article 2 (Definitions)

    1. Terms used in these Terms of Service are defined as follows

    1) User: An user is a member or non-member who uses the service by accessing the website or app provided by the company in accordance with these terms.

    2) Member: A member is a person who has provided personal information to the company to register and is able to continuously use the contents and services provided by the company.

    3) Non-member A non-member is a person who uses the contents and services provided by the company without registering as a member.

    4) Tutor: A tutor is a person who provides language education to members by using the contents and services provided by the company through the company’s website or app.

    5) Topic Card: The Topic Card is a textbook provided through the company’s app

    6) Lesson: A lesson is an educational service provided by a tutor to a user through the company’s website or app.

    7) Course Ticket: A course ticket is a ticket that a member purchases to get a lesson service from a tutor

    8) Package Product: A package product is one of the products that the company provides. It means that a member can purchase the digital device and lesson ticket together.

    9) Points Points are the value that can be earned and used to purchase course tickets or other products through the company website or app.

    2. Definitions of the terms used in these Terms of Service shall be governed by the laws and service-specific policies, except as stipulated in Paragraph 1 of this Article. The terms that aren’t defined in these Terms of Service are interpreted by the general customs


    Article 3 (Specification and Amendment of the Terms of Service)

    1. The company publish the contents of the Terms of Service, names of the representative and the business, the address of the business site (including the address where consumer's complaints can be processed), phone number, e-mail address, business registration number, telecommunication commerce report number, person in charge of personal information, and etc. on the front page of the website or app. However, the contents of the agreement can be made available to the users through the connection screen.

    2. The company may amend this agreement to the extent that it does not violate the regulations on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, the laws on the regulation of terms of service, the Contents Industry Promotion Act, and other related laws or business practices.

    3. In case of amendment of the agreement, the company shall notify the members of the date of application and reasons for revision by posting on the website, the service screen, or the connection screen of the website from 7 days prior to the effective date. However, if the revised content is disadvantageous to the members or if the revision is significant, the members will be informed in the same manner as the paragraph until 30 days prior to the application date and notified to the members by e-mail or text message.

    4. If a member does not show his / her intention to refuse within 7 days after the notification of the changed conditions (within 30 days of the change if the changed contents are disadvantageous to the member or significant), the member consents to the changed conditions.

    5. If a member disagrees with the revised terms, the company or member may terminate the service contract.


    Article 4 (Interpretation of the Terms of Service)

    1. If there are any notices about the Terms of Service or the usage guide for individual services other than these Terms of Service, that agreement takes precedence over these Terms of Service

    2. Things and interpretations that are not stated in this agreement follow general practices, or the Contents Industry Promotion Act enacted by the government, the Consumer Protection Acts in electronic commerce, the laws on the regulation of terms of service, and the Contents User Protection Guide and related laws.


    Article 5 (Service Delivery and Change)

    1. The company performs following duties

    1) The company mediates that the tutors teach the members through the company's app or website.

    2) The company provides services to ensure that the lessons between the tutors and the members go smooth.

    3) The company supports incidental duties related to the above.

    2. The company may, if necessary, entrust a portion of the services to a third party such as an affiliated company in contract.

    3. The service in Paragraph 1 is provided 24/7. However, the service may be temporarily be stopped for business or technical reasons. In such cases, the company notifies members before or after the event

    4. For some services, the company can provide them to specific members only. The company can divide the services into certain range and set the available time for each range. In such case, the contents are revealed in advance


    Article 6 (Suspension of Service)

    1. The company may temporarily limit or suspend service, if the company can not provide normal service in situations like natural disasters or national emergencies, and notify tutors the reason and duration of the suspension before or after the event.

    2. The company may suspend service after notifying one week before the suspension of service in case of maintenance, replacement, and communication problems of the company's computer equipment facilities. The company is not accountable for the members who aren’t able to acknowledge the notification during the period. In case of a good reason, the advanced notification period stated above may be omitted or reduced. However, if there’s an unavoidable reason that the company can not notify in advance, the company can notify after the event.

    3. The company has a comprehensive right to determine, change, maintain, and discontinue the services and its contents. The company may change or discontinue all or some services if there are good reasons such as abolishment, merger, division, deterioration of profit of service, and maintenance of service. In such cases, the company will notify the users and reward them according to the conditions set by the company only for the unused paid tickets.

    4. The company may run scheduled maintenances, if there’s needs for the services usage. The maintenance time is according to the notification on the service provision screen.


    Article 7 (Member Registration)

    1. Registration is made by the user agreeing to the contents of the Terms of Service and registering for the membership, and then the company accepts the application. If an user applies for the membership, the user is deemed to have agreed to the Terms of Service of the company.

    2. The company may not allow the user to join, if one of the followings applies.

    1) In case of false descriptions, errors, or omissions in the application

    2) If the member had a history of disqualification or withdrawal set by these Terms of Service

    3) In case of using someone else’s name

    4) In case of the company not being able to accept because of the user’s negligence or intention, or registering while violating the company’s regulations

    5) In case of violating the company’s regulations or other laws

    3. In principle, the company accepts registration in most cases. However, the company may suspend or refuse the acceptance of the application if it can not afford the facilities related to the service, the technical or business problems, or the other company deems necessary.

    4. The company shall notify the applicant of any reservation or refusal to apply for membership. However, if the company can not notify the applicant without intention or negligence, the company shall not notify.

    5. The membership contract is in act when the approval of the company reaches the member.


    Article 9 (Special Provisions for users under 14 years of age or other special cases)

    1. The company shall obtain the consent of a legal representative (hereinafter “legal guardian”), such as a parent, before accepting a membership application for a user under the age of 14 (hereinafter “child”). However, if the child can not obtain the consent of his/her legal guardian, the company can refuse the child's application for his/her membership.

    2. The company may request minimum amount of information of the legal guardian, including the name of the legal representative to obtain the consent of the legal representative, for the child applying for his/her membership.

    3. The legal guardian of the child may request for the reading, correction, or renewal of the child's personal information, or withdraw his / her consent to the membership. If the legal representative withdraws his / her consent, the company shall take necessary measures such as destruction of personal information of the child and the legal representative.


    Article 10 (Changing Member’s information)

    1. Member can view and modify his/her personal information on the personal information management screen anytime.

    2. If a member changes any of the items listed at the time of application, he/she shall notify the company by e-mail, text message, or other methods about the changes.

    3. The company is not liable for any disadvantage caused by the failure of the member to modify in accordance with paragraph 2, or not notifying the company of the changes.


    Article 11 (Obligations for Member’s Account Information and Password)

    1. Member is responsible for his/her own password and account information

    2. Member must not provide his/her account information and password to a third party

    3. In case of recognition of the theft of his/her account information and password or a third party user of the account, the member must notify the company and follow the company’s instructions.

    4. The company is not liable for any disadvantages caused by not notifying the company or failure follow the company's instructions after notifying the company.


    Article 12 (Notification to Members)

    1. The company notifies a member by email, phone number, and etc. set by the member

    2. In case of the company notifying every member, the company may post it on the front screen of the website or a pop-up screen for more than 7 days to substitute the notice in paragraph 1. However, the company must make notice set by paragraph 1 for important matters regarding the members or amendments of the Terms of Service in accordance with Article 3.


    Article 13 (Membership withdrawal and disqualification)

    1. Member can always request to withdraw his/her membership. The company shall process the withdrawal request quickly if the member requests to withdraw.

    2. The company may limit and suspend membership if the member falls under any of the following grounds:

    1) If the member inputs false information when he/she registers, or applies/ change contents usage

    2) If the member does not pay the debt due by the member’s purchase on services of the company before the deadline

    3) If the member uses other user’s information to disrupt the system

    4) Changing the information posted by the company or third party

    5) Using, sending, or posting information (computer programs and such) prohibited by the company

    6) Violation of intellectual right or copyright of the company or third party

    7) Damaging the honor of the company or third party, or disrupting their works

    8) Disclosing or posting on the company's site any information that is contrary to the obscenity or violent words, images, sound, and etc.

    9) Avoiding or neutralizing the company's technical protective measures

    10) If the member violates these Terms of Service, laws, or common goods on the company’s website or app

    3. If a member whose membership has been limited or suspended has repeated the act prohibited by each items of Paragraph 2, or if there’s no correction of behavior within 7 days after a notification, the member may lose his/her membership.

    4. In case of suspending a membership in accordance with Paragraph 3, the company notifies the member of the facts and reasons. However, in case of the member justifying his/her action within 15 days since the notification, the company shall immediately resume the membership if the contents are justified.


    Article 14 (Signing of Content Purchase Contract such as Course Ticket)

    1. The content purchase agreement (or the content usage agreement) is concluded by the member applying for content purchase such as course ticket through the website and the app according to the procedure set by the company and paying the corresponding price.  By entering into a content purchase agreement,

    2. the member acquires the right to purchase the applied content. If the applied content is a course content, then the member obtains the right to take courses.

    3. The contents such as tickets are based on the price announced on the company's website and app by the company's designated rate system. However, foreign users may have some differences depending on the exchange rate, and the company can adjust some of the plan without prior notice in order to meet the standard of the rate plan due to a sudden exchange rate change.

    4. 1 time course tickets are classified into 10 min, 15 min, 20 min, 30 min, and 40 min.

    5. If you stop the course, the remaining minutes must be usedbefore 24:00 of the day, or the remaining minutes will be lost


    Article 15 (Payment Method)

    1. The course tickets can be purchased in one of the following methods

    1) Bank transfer

    2) Credit card

    3) Cell phone

    4) Paypal

    5) Coupons issued by the company

    6) Other methods set by the company

    2. The coupons issued by the company can be used prior to the expiration date, and they can’t be exchanged to cash.


    Article 16 (Refund Policy)

    1. Member who has entered into a content purchase contract with the company may withdraw within the period set in the following subparagraph

    1) 7 days from the date of purchase contract sign

    2) If the issuance of the course ticket is delayed, 7 days from the date of the receipt or issuance

    2. The right to withdraw the subscription under Paragraph 1 can not be exercised, if it falls under any of the following subparagraph: However, the company shall notify the fact that a member can not withdraw the subscription in order to exclude the right to withdraw the subscription from subparagraph 2 to subparagraph 4 on the contents or anywhere that members or users can see easily. Or, the company shall make the limited or temporary use of the contents possible, so cancellation doesn’t get disturbed.

    1) If the content is damaged or lost due to the member’s responsible cause 

    2) If the content’s value has decreased significantly due to the member’s usage or partial usage

      3) If the content’s value has decreased significantly over-time, so the reselling is difficult

      4) If the packaging of the copyable content is damaged

      5) In case of the approval of the cancellation can cause significant damage to the company that it may not recover from (such as contents being individually produced by a member’s order), if the company notified the facts about the transaction in advance and gained an agreement from the member through a document (including e-document)

    3. Despite Paragraph 1 and 2, if there is any reason falling under any of the following subparagraph, the member shall cancel the subscription within 3 months from the date that the member was able to use the content, or 30 days from the date that the member was able to know the fact.

      1) When the content is provided differently from the display or advertisement

      2) If the content is implemented differently from the contract

    4. Member may withdraw the subscription under the provisions of Paragraph 1 or 3 by telephone, text message, e-mail, fax, and etc.

    5. If a member exercises the right of withdrawal in document (including electronic documents) under Paragraph 1 or Paragraph 3, it shall take effect on the date of dispatching the written statement of the intention.

    6. The company shall reply to the member upon receipt of the notice of cancellation of the subscription without delay.


    Article 17 (Member’s Contract Release/Termination)

    1. Member may release or terminate a Content Purchase Agreement if there is one of the following reasons:

      1) If the content is not provided until the date of delivery

      2) If the member can’t achieve his/her usage purpose due to the delivery of defected content

      3) If the cumulative time of failure of the content through out 1 month is over 72 hours

      4) If the member agrees or declines the terms of change

      5) If the company does not post the reason for change such as the content usage conditions, or the member declines changes on the usage conditions

    2. For a member to release or terminate the content purchase agreement under subparagraph 1 or 2 of Paragraph 1, the member shall establish a considerable period of time and request the company to make the usage of the content possible or to deliver the content without any defect. However, this is not the case if the member can not achieve the purpose of the contract without the content being delivered at that time, or if the company specifies that the content will not be delivered in advance.


    Article 18 (The Company’s Contract Release. Termination or Usage Restriction)

    1.  The company may release or terminate the content purchase agreement if the misbehavior of a member who violated these Terms of Service is not corrected within 30 days, even though the company has requested the member to correct the misbehavior.

    2. The termination/release of this Article shall take effect when the notice of intention is received by the member in accordance with the notification method set in these Terms of Service.

    3. Member may appeal the termination/release and an usuage restriction. If the company's appeal is legitimate, the company immediately takes the necessary measures to ensure that the member has access to the content.


    Article 19 (Suspension and Hold of Service, Cancellation of Course Ticket Registration, and etc.)

    1. Member loses his/her course rights to the service upon successful cancellation of the course ticket.

    2. If a member damages the company or a third party including a tutor while the course is being held, the member is not exempted from liability even if the ticket is canceled.

    3. The company may suspend, hold, terminate, and cancel the courses for the member without prior notice in accordance with the following:

     1) In case of violation of the provisions stated in these Terms of Service

     2) In case of not following the service guideline of the company or the tutor.

    4. If the company suspends or cancels the user's class due to the reasons stated in Paragraph 3, the company does not refund the course ticket that is already used.


    Article 20 (General Principle on Refund)

    1. The company will process the refund in the way that the member has paid for the ticket. For example, if a member paid with a bank transfer, the member will be refunded through the same bank account. If a member paid with a card, he or she will be refunded through the same card partially or wholesomely.   Same applies for Paypal.   However, if the company can not refund the money in the same way as the payment, it will notify the member in advance, so the member can be refunded in a different way.

    2. In case of a refund due to withdrawal, cancellation, and termination, the company will complete the refund within 3 business days from later of the date of the notice or the date on which the content is returned If a refund is made through the payment agency, the refund date may be delayed because of circumstances of the payment company. The company will not be liable for the delay of the refund due to the payment company, and will process it according to the terms of the payment company agreed by the member.

    3. Member is obliged to return all contents that can be returned in the case of withdrawal, cancellation, and termination of the purchase contract, and if the contents are not returned, only the amount of the contents that are returned will be refunded.

    4. In case of contents refunds, fees for payment methods such as bank, card company, and Paypal may be excluded.

    5. The company can reject refunds in following situations.

    1) If the member was not able to use the service before the date of expiration due to his/her negligence

    2) If the exempt cost related to the refund exceeds the amount of the remaining usage fee

    3) If the member requests for a refund after withdrawing from the service

    4) If the member requests for a refund of temporary or one-time use contents

    5) Other non-justified reasons


    Article 21 (Refund for 1 month Subscription)

    1. Member has the right to use the ticket to take a tutor's course for the period (1 month) previously announced by the company when purchasing the ticket, and can not request a refund if the ticket expires

    2.. In the event that a member voluntarily terminates the usage contract or if the company terminates the ticket usage contract due to the user's liability, the refund will be processed according to the following provisions. 

    1) Before 1/2 of the total course period after purchasing the course ticket: Total payment amount - Payment amount X (used ticket / unused ticket) - Fee (10% of the payment amount).

    2) After the purchase of the ticket, the member will not be able to return it after the half of the whole course has passed. 

    3. In case of the member has to terminate the ticket usage contract due to the liability of the company in accordance with Article 17, the company shall refund the following amount based on the time when the reason occurred.

    1) Before 1/2 of the total course period after purchasing the course ticket: Total payment amount - Payment amount X (used ticket / unused ticket)

    2) After the purchase of the ticket, the member will not be able to return it after the half of the whole course has passed. 

    4. If a member does not indicate his / her intention to return the tuition and doesn’t participate the course without a good reason, the period of absence is counted as the teaching time, and the refund will be based on the time of the refund request.


    Article 22 (Refund of Periodic Payment Products)

    1. In case of periodic payment products that are regularly paid every month, if the member is terminated, the automatic payment will not be made anymore on the upcoming payment date.

    2. If a member applies for termination of automatic payment according to Paragraph 1, a ticket that has already expired can not be refunded. For a member who wishes to refund the remaining ticket which the automatic payment was last made, the refund for the last periodic payment will be processed in accordance with the previous Article’s refund policy.


    Article 23 (Refund for Package Products)

    1. If a member wants to cancel the purchase and didn’t open the device, the refund can be approved within a week after the purchase  If the member unpacked the device, the device can not be refunded. Only the remaining tickets will be refunded.

    2. If there is a problem with the device of the package product, it follows the policies of the companies that produced each device.


    Article 24 (Changing Course Tickets)

    1. The course ticket can be changed within the same language only.

    2. The rate of change that is applied in the event of change is determined by the rate at which the member has paid the ticket.


    Article 25 (Free Courses)

    1. User and member can participate in free trial classes through separate regulations such as coupons and events set by the company.

    2. User and member must follow the Terms of Service during the free trial classes

    3. The company may restrict participation of a user, if the user decides to create multiple accounts or inappropriate accounts to participate in free classes.


    Article 26 (Free Points)

    1. Member can obtain a certain amount of free points through marketing by conducted by the company, purchasing tickets, and etc. 

    2. The free points are distributed after completion of certain acts like purchasing certain amount of products, taking a survey, and etc.

    3. Member can use the free points they receive when purchasing a course from the website or app, and the company may announce the rate of free point usage compared to cash usage on the home page.

    4. There is a validity period for the free points, which will be notified to the user in advance. The free points disappear after the expiration date.

    5. The free points can’t be exchanged to cash

    6. For foreign users, 1000 points are like 1 USD, but the company may change the ratio in case of valid reasons such as a sudden exchange rate change.

    7. Members can use free points when purchasing tickets and items offered by the company, but in case of refund, the company will only process the paid portion of the refund.


    Article 27 (Courses and Reservation)

    1. Members can choose a tutor that is available in real-time at any time, or can reserve a tutor.

    2. If a member wants to take a class by making a reservation, he or she can schedule the class by deducting the amount from his/her subscription. At this time, if the lesson does not occur due to the absence of the member, the company will not refund or reimburse the student for pre-deducted amount.

    3. After a member reserves a class, the member can cancel the class reservation only for the time specified by the company separately.

    4. If the lesson does not occur due to the absence of the tutor, the course ticket is reimbursed before 24:00of the same date.

    5. Registration methods of courses and reservations that are not listed above follow a separate page announce by the company. If there is any conflict with these terms on the separate page, the contents of this page take precedence.


    Article 28 (Obligations of the Company)

    1. The company shall not engage in conduct that is prohibited by laws, regulations, or the rules of the public order and morals. The company shall endeavor to provide consistent and reliable contents, including classes, as provided in these Terms of Service.

    2. The company must have a security system to protect the users' personal information so that the users can use the service safely.

    3. The company does not send out commercial e-mails for profits that users do not want, unless the user agrees to receive commercial e-mails.


    Article 29 (Obligations of the Users)

    1. User must not do following activities.

    1) Inputing false information during membership registration or changing personal information

    2) Providing or renting the account information or password to a 3rd party

    3) Using someone else’s information

    4) Violating intellectual properties like copyrights of the company

    5) Dishonoring the company or a third party, or disrupting their works

    6) Other illegal activities violating related laws or these Terms of Service

    2. Member may not take any action described below when using the service during class or through the chat window within the app.

      1) Disrupting class operations

    2) Misleading the tutor to do illegal activities

    3) Sending sexually harassing texts, words, or images to the tutor

    4) Asking the tutor’s personal information, or personal e-mail, SMS to privately contact the tutor

    5) Forcing certain religions or political stance to the tutor

    6) Asking the tutor for information or encouraging to move to a competitor

    7) Asking about the company’s terms of employment and in-house system

    8) Participating in the class under influence

    9) Cursing the tutor or asking for his/her personal information

    10) Using inappropriate words or sexual gestures to the tutor

    11) Other violations of laws and these Terms of Service, or public morals

    3. The Company may determine whether a member has engaged in any of the prohibited acts specified in the preceding paragraphs, and decide to whether suspend or terminate the member.


    Article 30 (Ownership of Copyright and Usage Restriction)

    1. The company owns copyrights and other intellectual property rights for the work created by the company such as contents posted on the app or website.

    2. User may not use the information about the company's intellectual property right attained by using the company's app or website for commercial purposes by copying, transmitting, publishing, distributing, broadcasting or other methods without prior consent of the company, or make third parties use the information

    3. All copyrights and ownership of images, photographs, voice recordings, trademarks, logos, texts, and services all belong to the company. User can not violate the copyrights of the company and can not upload to print, magazine, or website. Users can not distribute these to third parties.


    Article 31 (Reasons for Waiver)

    1. The company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the user in case of failure to provide the service due to unavoidable circumstances like natural disasters, unless there are intentional and grave errors. 

    3. The company shall be exempted from liability if the telecommunications carrier ceases to provide telecommunication services or fails to provide regular services.

    4. The company shall be exempted from liability for damages caused by unavoidable reasons such as maintenance, replacement, periodic inspection, and construction of service facilities, unless there is an intention or negligence of the company.

    5. The company shall not be liable for the accuracy and trustworthiness of contents of information, data, and facts posted by users, tutors, third parties on the board. 

    6. The company shall not be liable for any disputes between users, between users and tutors, or between users and third parties.

    7. The company shall not be liable for any damages caused by expecting profit or loss, or data while using the service


    Article 32 (Settlement of Dispute)

    1. The company shall establish and operate the damage compensation mechanism in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations, and the internal policies of the company to reflect the legitimate opinions and complaints posed by the users and to compensate the damage.

    2. The company takes precedence over complaints and comments submitted by users. However, if it is difficult to process promptly, the user will be notified immediately of the reason and the processing schedule.

    3. If there is an application for remedy of an user regarding the dispute between the company and the user, the company may follow a dispute resolution body.


    Article 33 (Jurisdiction and Governing Law)

    1. The lawsuits related to disputes between the company and the users shall be filed by the court of competent jurisdiction of the Civil Procedure Act of the Republic of Korea.

    2. The laws of the Republic of Korea apply to any dispute arising between the company and the users.


    These Terms of Service will be effective from the date of   .   .2018


  • #Policy Terms of use 2.0 (old)

    Tutoring Terms of Service


    Article 1 (Purpose)

    These Terms of Service apply to the services (hereinafter services) including the digital contents (hereinafter contents) provided by the website tutoring.kr (hereinafter website) and applications (hereinafter app) operated by Tutoring Co., Ltd. (hereinafter company or Tutoring) the rights, duties, and responsibilities of the company and its users.


    Article 2 (Definitions)

    1. Terms used in these Terms of Service are defined as follows

    1) User: An user is a member or non-member who uses the service by accessing the website or app provided by the company in accordance with these terms.

    2) Member: A member is a person who has provided personal information to the company to register and is able to continuously use the contents and services provided by the company.

    3) Non-member A non-member is a person who uses the contents and services provided by the company without registering as a member.

    4) Tutor: A tutor is a person who provides language education to members by using the contents and services provided by the company through the company’s website or app.

    5) Topic Card: The Topic Card is a textbook provided through the company’s app

    6) Lesson: A lesson is an educational service provided by a tutor to a user through the company’s website or app.

    7) Course Ticket: A course ticket is a ticket that a member purchases to get a lesson service from a tutor

    8) Package Product: A package product is one of the products that the company provides. It means that a member can purchase the digital device and lesson ticket together.

    9) Points Points are the value that can be earned and used to purchase course tickets or other products through the company website or app.

    2. Definitions of the terms used in these Terms of Service shall be governed by the laws and service-specific policies, except as stipulated in Paragraph 1 of this Article. The terms that aren’t defined in these Terms of Service are interpreted by the general customs


    Article 3 (Specification and Amendment of the Terms of Service)

    The company publish the contents of the Terms of Service, names of the representative and the business, the address of the business site (including the address where consumer's complaints can be processed), phone number, e-mail address, business registration number, telecommunication commerce report number, person in charge of personal information, and etc. on the front page of the website or app. However, the contents of the agreement can be made available to the users through the connection screen.

    The company may amend this agreement to the extent that it does not violate the regulations on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, the laws on the regulation of terms of service, the Contents Industry Promotion Act, and other related laws or business practices.

    In case of amendment of the agreement, the company shall notify the members of the date of application and reasons for revision by posting on the website, the service screen, or the connection screen of the website from 7 days prior to the effective date. However, if the revised content is disadvantageous to the members or if the revision is significant, the members will be informed in the same manner as the paragraph until 30 days prior to the application date and notified to the members by e-mail or text message.

    If a member does not show his / her intention to refuse within 7 days after the notification of the changed conditions (within 30 days of the change if the changed contents are disadvantageous to the member or significant), the member consents to the changed conditions.

    If a member disagrees with the revised terms, the company or member may terminate the service contract.


    Article 4 (Interpretation of the Terms of Service)

    If there are any notices about the Terms of Service or the usage guide for individual services other than these Terms of Service, that agreement takes precedence over these Terms of Service

    Things and interpretations that are not stated in this agreement follow general practices, or the Contents Industry Promotion Act enacted by the government, the Consumer Protection Acts in electronic commerce, the laws on the regulation of terms of service, and the Contents User Protection Guide and related laws.


    Article 5 (Service Delivery and Change)

    The company performs following duties

    1) The company mediates that the tutors teach the members through the company's app or website.

    2) The company provides services to ensure that the lessons between the tutors and the members go smooth.

    3) The company supports incidental duties related to the above.

    2. The company may, if necessary, entrust a portion of the services to a third party such as an affiliated company in contract.

    3. The service in Paragraph 1 is provided 24/7. However, the service may be temporarily be stopped for business or technical reasons. In such cases, the company notifies members before or after the event

    4. For some services, the company can provide them to specific members only. The company can divide the services into certain range and set the available time for each range. In such case, the contents are revealed in advance


    Article 6 (Suspension of Service)
    1. The company may temporarily limit or suspend service, if the company can not provide normal service in situations like natural disasters or national emergencies, and notify tutors the reason and duration of the suspension before or after the event.

    2. The company may suspend service after notifying one week before the suspension of service in case of maintenance, replacement, and communication problems of the company's computer equipment facilities. The company is not accountable for the members who aren’t able to acknowledge the notification during the period. In case of a good reason, the advanced notification period stated above may be omitted or reduced. However, if there’s an unavoidable reason that the company can not notify in advance, the company can notify after the event.

    3. The company has a comprehensive right to determine, change, maintain, and discontinue the services and its contents. The company may change or discontinue all or some services if there are good reasons such as abolishment, merger, division, deterioration of profit of service, and maintenance of service. In such cases, the company will notify the users and reward them according to the conditions set by the company only for the unused paid tickets.

    4. The company may run scheduled maintenances, if there’s needs for the services usage. The maintenance time is according to the notification on the service provision screen.


    Article 7 (Member Registration)
    1. Registration is made by the user agreeing to the contents of the Terms of Service and registering for the membership, and then the company accepts the application. If an user applies for the membership, the user is deemed to have agreed to the Terms of Service of the company.

    The company may not allow the user to join, if one of the followings applies.
    1) In case of false descriptions, errors, or omissions in the application
    2) If the member had a history of disqualification or withdrawal set by these Terms of Service

    3) In case of using someone else’s name

    4) In case of the company not being able to accept because of the user’s negligence or intention, or registering while violating the company’s regulations

    5) In case of violating the company’s regulations or other laws

    3. In principle, the company accepts registration in most cases. However, the company may suspend or refuse the acceptance of the application if it can not afford the facilities related to the service, the technical or business problems, or the other company deems necessary.

    4. The company shall notify the applicant of any reservation or refusal to apply for membership. However, if the company can not notify the applicant without intention or negligence, the company shall not notify.

    5. The membership contract is in act when the approval of the company reaches the member.


    Article 9 (Special Provisions for users under 14 years of age or other special cases)

    1. The company shall obtain the consent of a legal representative (hereinafter “legal guardian”), such as a parent, before accepting a membership application for a user under the age of 14 (hereinafter “child”). However, if the child can not obtain the consent of his/her legal guardian, the company can refuse the child's application for his/her membership.

    2. The company may request minimum amount of information of the legal guardian, including the name of the legal representative to obtain the consent of the legal representative, for the child applying for his/her membership.

    3. The legal guardian of the child may request for the reading, correction, or renewal of the child's personal information, or withdraw his / her consent to the membership. If the legal representative withdraws his / her consent, the company shall take necessary measures such as destruction of personal information of the child and the legal representative.


    Article 10 (Changing Member’s information)

    1. Member can view and modify his/her personal information on the personal information management screen anytime.

    2. If a member changes any of the items listed at the time of application, he/she shall notify the company by e-mail, text message, or other methods about the changes.

    3. The company is not liable for any disadvantage caused by the failure of the member to modify in accordance with paragraph 2, or not notifying the company of the changes.


    Article 11 (Obligations for Member’s Account Information and Password)
    1. Member is responsible for his/her own password and account information

    2. Member must not provide his/her account information and password to a third party

    3. In case of recognition of the theft of his/her account information and password or a third party user of the account, the member must notify the company and follow the company’s instructions.

    4. The company is not liable for any disadvantages caused by not notifying the company or failure follow the company's instructions after notifying the company.


    Article 12 (Notification to Members)

    1. The company notifies a member by email, phone number, and etc. set by the member

    2. In case of the company notifying every member, the company may post it on the front screen of the website or a pop-up screen for more than 7 days to substitute the notice in paragraph 1. However, the company must make notice set by paragraph 1 for important matters regarding the members or amendments of the Terms of Service in accordance with Article 3.


    Article 13 (Membership withdrawal and disqualification)

    Member can always request to withdraw his/her membership. The company shall process the withdrawal request quickly if the member requests to withdraw.

    The company may limit and suspend membership if the member falls under any of the following grounds:
    1) If the member inputs false information when he/she registers, or applies/ change contents usage
    2) If the member does not pay the debt due by the members purchase on services of the company before the deadline
    3) If the member uses other users information to disrupt the system
    4) Changing the information posted by the company or third party

    5) Using, sending, or posting information (computer programs and such) prohibited by the company

    6) Violation of intellectual right or copyright of the company or third party

    7) Damaging the honor of the company or third party, or disrupting their works

    8) Disclosing or posting on the company's site any information that is contrary to the obscenity or violent words, images, sound, and etc.

    9) Avoiding or neutralizing the company's technical protective measures

    10) If the member violates these Terms of Service, laws, or common goods on the company’s website or app

    If a member whose membership has been limited or suspended has repeated the act prohibited by each items of Paragraph 2, or if there’s no correction of behavior within 7 days after a notification, the member may lose his/her membership.

    In case of suspending a membership in accordance with Paragraph 3, the company notifies the member of the facts and reasons. However, in case of the member justifying his/her action within 15 days since the notification, the company shall immediately resume the membership if the contents are justified.


    Article 14 (Signing of Content Purchase Contract such as Course Ticket)

    The content purchase agreement (or the content usage agreement) is concluded by the member applying for content purchase such as course ticket through the website and the app according to the procedure set by the company and paying the corresponding price.  By entering into a content purchase agreement,

    the member acquires the right to purchase the applied content. If the applied content is a course content, then the member obtains the right to take courses.

    The contents such as tickets are based on the price announced on the company's website and app by the company's designated rate system. However, foreign users may have some differences depending on the exchange rate, and the company can adjust some of the plan without prior notice in order to meet the standard of the rate plan due to a sudden exchange rate change.

    1 time course tickets are classified into 10 min, 15 min, 20 min, 30 min, and 40 min.

    If you stop the course, the remaining minutes must be usedbefore 24:00 of the day, or the remaining minutes will be lost


    Article 15 (Payment Method)

    1. The course tickets can be purchased in one of the following methods
    1) Bank transfer
    2) Credit card
    3) Cell phone
    4) Paypal
    5) Coupons issued by the company
    6) Other methods set by the company

    2. The coupons issued by the company can be used prior to the expiration date, and they can’t be exchanged to cash.


    Article 16 (Refund Policy)

    1. Member who has entered into a content purchase contract with the company may withdraw within the period set in the following subparagraph

    1) 7 days from the date of purchase contract sign

    2) If the issuance of the course ticket is delayed, 7 days from the date of the receipt or issuance

    2. The right to withdraw the subscription under Paragraph 1 can not be exercised, if it falls under any of the following subparagraph: However, the company shall notify the fact that a member can not withdraw the subscription in order to exclude the right to withdraw the subscription from subparagraph 2 to subparagraph 4 on the contents or anywhere that members or users can see easily. Or, the company shall make the limited or temporary use of the contents possible, so cancellation doesn’t get disturbed.

    1) If the content is damaged or lost due to the member’s responsible cause 

    2) If the content’s value has decreased significantly due to the member’s usage or partial usage

      3) If the content’s value has decreased significantly over-time, so the reselling is difficult

      4) If the packaging of the copyable content is damaged

      5) In case of the approval of the cancellation can cause significant damage to the company that it may not recover from (such as contents being individually produced by a member’s order), if the company notified the facts about the transaction in advance and gained an agreement from the member through a document (including e-document)

    3. Despite Paragraph 1 and 2, if there is any reason falling under any of the following subparagraph, the member shall cancel the subscription within 3 months from the date that the member was able to use the content, or 30 days from the date that the member was able to know the fact.

      1) When the content is provided differently from the display or advertisement

      2) If the content is implemented differently from the contract

    4. Member may withdraw the subscription under the provisions of Paragraph 1 or 3 by telephone, text message, e-mail, fax, and etc.

    5. If a member exercises the right of withdrawal in document (including electronic documents) under Paragraph 1 or Paragraph 3, it shall take effect on the date of dispatching the written statement of the intention.

    6. The company shall reply to the member upon receipt of the notice of cancellation of the subscription without delay.


    Article 17 (Members Contract Release/Termination)

    1. Member may release or terminate a Content Purchase Agreement if there is one of the following reasons:

      1) If the content is not provided until the date of delivery

      2) If the member can’t achieve his/her usage purpose due to the delivery of defected content

      3) If the cumulative time of failure of the content through out 1 month is over 72 hours

      4) If the member agrees or declines the terms of change

      5) If the company does not post the reason for change such as the content usage conditions, or the member declines changes on the usage conditions

    2. For a member to release or terminate the content purchase agreement under subparagraph 1 or 2 of Paragraph 1, the member shall establish a considerable period of time and request the company to make the usage of the content possible or to deliver the content without any defect. However, this is not the case if the member can not achieve the purpose of the contract without the content being delivered at that time, or if the company specifies that the content will not be delivered in advance.


    Article 18 (The Companys Contract Release. Termination or Usage Restriction)

    1.  The company may release or terminate the content purchase agreement if the misbehavior of a member who violated these Terms of Service is not corrected within 30 days, even though the company has requested the member to correct the misbehavior.

    2. The termination/release of this Article shall take effect when the notice of intention is received by the member in accordance with the notification method set in these Terms of Service.

    3. Member may appeal the termination/release and an usuage restriction. If the company's appeal is legitimate, the company immediately takes the necessary measures to ensure that the member has access to the content.


    Article 19 (Suspension and Hold of Service, Cancellation of Course Ticket Registration, and etc.)

    Member loses his/her course rights to the service upon successful cancellation of the course ticket.

    If a member damages the company or a third party including a tutor while the course is being held, the member is not exempted from liability even if the ticket is canceled.

    The company may suspend, hold, terminate, and cancel the courses for the member without prior notice in accordance with the following:
     1) In case of violation of the provisions stated in these Terms of Service
     2) In case of not following the service guideline of the company or the tutor.

    If the company suspends or cancels the user's class due to the reasons stated in Paragraph 3, the company does not refund the course ticket that is already used.


    Article 20 (General Principle on Refund)

    1. The company will process the refund in the way that the member has paid for the ticket. For example, if a member paid with a bank transfer, the member will be refunded through the same bank account. If a member paid with a card, he or she will be refunded through the same card partially or wholesomely.   Same applies for Paypal.   However, if the company can not refund the money in the same way as the payment, it will notify the member in advance, so the member can be refunded in a different way.

    2. In case of a refund due to withdrawal, cancellation, and termination, the company will complete the refund within 3 business days from later of the date of the notice or the date on which the content is returned If a refund is made through the payment agency, the refund date may be delayed because of circumstances of the payment company. The company will not be liable for the delay of the refund due to the payment company, and will process it according to the terms of the payment company agreed by the member.

    3. Member is obliged to return all contents that can be returned in the case of withdrawal, cancellation, and termination of the purchase contract, and if the contents are not returned, only the amount of the contents that are returned will be refunded.

    4. In case of contents refunds, fees for payment methods such as bank, card company, and Paypal may be excluded.

    5. The company can reject refunds in following situations.

    1) If the member was not able to use the service before the date of expiration due to his/her negligence

    2) If the exempt cost related to the refund exceeds the amount of the remaining usage fee

    3) If the member requests for a refund after withdrawing from the service

    4) If the member requests for a refund of temporary or one-time use contents

    5) Other non-justified reasons


    Article 21 (Refund for 1 month Subscription)

    1. Member has the right to use the ticket to take a tutor's course for the period (1 month) previously announced by the company when purchasing the ticket, and can not request a refund if the ticket expires

    2.. In the event that a member voluntarily terminates the usage contract or if the company terminates the ticket usage contract due to the user's liability, the refund will be processed according to the following provisions. 

    1) Before 1/2 of the total course period after purchasing the course ticket: Total payment amount - Payment amount X (used ticket / unused ticket) - Fee (10% of the payment amount).

    2) After the purchase of the ticket, the member will not be able to return it after the half of the whole course has passed. 

    3. In case of the member has to terminate the ticket usage contract due to the liability of the company in accordance with Article 17, the company shall refund the following amount based on the time when the reason occurred.

    1) Before 1/2 of the total course period after purchasing the course ticket: Total payment amount - Payment amount X (used ticket / unused ticket)

    2) After the purchase of the ticket, the member will not be able to return it after the half of the whole course has passed. 

    4. If a member does not indicate his / her intention to return the tuition and doesn’t participate the course without a good reason, the period of absence is counted as the teaching time, and the refund will be based on the time of the refund request.


    Article 22 (Refund of Periodic Payment Products)

    1. In case of periodic payment products that are regularly paid every month, if the member is terminated, the automatic payment will not be made anymore on the upcoming payment date.

    2. If a member applies for termination of automatic payment according to Paragraph 1, a ticket that has already expired can not be refunded. For a member who wishes to refund the remaining ticket which the automatic payment was last made, the refund for the last periodic payment will be processed in accordance with the previous Article’s refund policy.


    Article 23 (Refund for Package Products)

    1. If a member wants to cancel the purchase and didn’t open the device, the refund can be approved within a week after the purchase  If the member unpacked the device, the device can not be refunded. Only the remaining tickets will be refunded.

    2. If there is a problem with the device of the package product, it follows the policies of the companies that produced each device.


    Article 24 (Changing Course Tickets)

    1. The course ticket can be changed within the same language only.

    2. The rate of change that is applied in the event of change is determined by the rate at which the member has paid the ticket.

    Article 25 (Free Courses)
    1. User and member can participate in free trial classes through separate regulations such as coupons and events set by the company.

    2. User and member must follow the Terms of Service during the free trial classes

    3. The company may restrict participation of a user, if the user decides to create multiple accounts or inappropriate accounts to participate in free classes.


    Article 26 (Free Points)

    1. Member can obtain a certain amount of free points through marketing by conducted by the company, purchasing tickets, and etc. 

    2. The free points are distributed after completion of certain acts like purchasing certain amount of products, taking a survey, and etc.

    3. Member can use the free points they receive when purchasing a course from the website or app, and the company may announce the rate of free point usage compared to cash usage on the home page.

    4. There is a validity period for the free points, which will be notified to the user in advance. The free points disappear after the expiration date.

    5. The free points can’t be exchanged to cash

    6. For foreign users, 1000 points are like 1 USD, but the company may change the ratio in case of valid reasons such as a sudden exchange rate change. 

    7. Members can use free points when purchasing tickets and items offered by the company, but in case of refund, the company will only process the paid portion of the refund.


    Article 27 (Courses and Reservation)
    1. Members can choose a tutor that is available in real-time at any time, or can reserve a tutor.

    2. If a member wants to take a class by making a reservation, he or she can schedule the class by deducting the amount from his/her subscription. At this time, if the lesson does not occur due to the absence of the member, the company will not refund or reimburse the student for pre-deducted amount.

    3. After a member reserves a class, the member can cancel the class reservation only for the time specified by the company separately.

    4. If the lesson does not occur due to the absence of the tutor, the course ticket is reimbursed before 24:00of the same date.

    5. Registration methods of courses and reservations that are not listed above follow a separate page announce by the company. If there is any conflict with these terms on the separate page, the contents of this page take precedence.

    Article 28 (Obligations of the Company)

    1. The company shall not engage in conduct that is prohibited by laws, regulations, or the rules of the public order and morals. The company shall endeavor to provide consistent and reliable contents, including classes, as provided in these Terms of Service.

    2. The company must have a security system to protect the users' personal information so that the users can use the service safely.

    3. The company does not send out commercial e-mails for profits that users do not want, unless the user agrees to receive commercial e-mails.


    Article 29 (Obligations of the Users)

    1. User must not do following activities.
    1) Inputing false information during membership registration or changing personal information

    2) Providing or renting the account information or password to a 3rd party

    3) Using someone else’s information

    4) Violating intellectual properties like copyrights of the company

    5) Dishonoring the company or a third party, or disrupting their works

    6) Other illegal activities violating related laws or these Terms of Service

    2. Member may not take any action described below when using the service during class or through the chat window within the app.
      1) Disrupting class operations

    2) Misleading the tutor to do illegal activities

    3) Sending sexually harassing texts, words, or images to the tutor

    4) Asking the tutor’s personal information, or personal e-mail, SMS to privately contact the tutor

    5) Forcing certain religions or political stance to the tutor

    6) Asking the tutor for information or encouraging to move to a competitor

    7) Asking about the company’s terms of employment and in-house system

    8) Participating in the class under influence

    9) Cursing the tutor or asking for his/her personal information

    10) Using inappropriate words or sexual gestures to the tutor

    11) Other violations of laws and these Terms of Service, or public morals

    3. The Company may determine whether a member has engaged in any of the prohibited acts specified in the preceding paragraphs, and decide to whether suspend or terminate the member.


    Article 30 (Ownership of Copyright and Usage Restriction)
    1. The company owns copyrights and other intellectual property rights for the work created by the company such as contents posted on the app or website.

    2. User may not use the information about the company's intellectual property right attained by using the company's app or website for commercial purposes by copying, transmitting, publishing, distributing, broadcasting or other methods without prior consent of the company, or make third parties use the information

    3. All copyrights and ownership of images, photographs, voice recordings, trademarks, logos, texts, and services all belong to the company. User can not violate the copyrights of the company and can not upload to print, magazine, or website. Users can not distribute these to third parties.


    Article 31 (Reasons for Waiver)

    1. The company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the user in case of failure to provide the service due to unavoidable circumstances like natural disasters, unless there are intentional and grave errors. 

    3. The company shall be exempted from liability if the telecommunications carrier ceases to provide telecommunication services or fails to provide regular services.

    4. The company shall be exempted from liability for damages caused by unavoidable reasons such as maintenance, replacement, periodic inspection, and construction of service facilities, unless there is an intention or negligence of the company.

    5. The company shall not be liable for the accuracy and trustworthiness of contents of information, data, and facts posted by users, tutors, third parties on the board. 

    6. The company shall not be liable for any disputes between users, between users and tutors, or between users and third parties.

    7. The company shall not be liable for any damages caused by expecting profit or loss, or data while using the service


    Article 32 (Settlement of Dispute)

    1. The company shall establish and operate the damage compensation mechanism in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations, and the internal policies of the company to reflect the legitimate opinions and complaints posed by the users and to compensate the damage.

    2. The company takes precedence over complaints and comments submitted by users. However, if it is difficult to process promptly, the user will be notified immediately of the reason and the processing schedule.

    3. If there is an application for remedy of an user regarding the dispute between the company and the user, the company may follow a dispute resolution body.


    Article 33 (Jurisdiction and Governing Law)

    The lawsuits related to disputes between the company and the users shall be filed by the court of competent jurisdiction of the Civil Procedure Act of the Republic of Korea.

    The laws of the Republic of Korea apply to any dispute arising between the company and the users.


    These Terms of Service will be effective from the date of   April, 1, 2018

  • #Policy Terms of use 3.0 (new)

    Tutoring Terms of Service


    Article 1 (Purpose)

    These Terms of Service apply to the services (hereinafter “services”) including the digital contents (hereinafter “contents”) provided by the website tutoring.kr (hereinafter “website”) and applications (hereinafter “app”) operated by Tutoring Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “company” or “Tutoring”) the rights, duties, and responsibilities of the company and its users.


    Article 2 (Definitions)

    1. Terms used in these Terms of Service are defined as follows

    1) User: An user is a member or non-member who uses the service by accessing the website or app provided by the company in accordance with these terms.

    2) Member: A member is a person who has provided personal information to the company to register and is able to continuously use the contents and services provided by the company.

    3) Non-member A non-member is a person who uses the contents and services provided by the company without registering as a member.

    4) Tutor: A tutor is a person who provides language education to members by using the contents and services provided by the company through the company’s website or app.

    5) Topic Card: The Topic Card is a textbook provided through the company’s app

    6) Lesson: A lesson is an educational service provided by a tutor to a user through the company’s website or app.

    7) Course Ticket: A course ticket is a ticket that a member purchases to get a lesson service from a tutor

    8) Package Product: A package product is one of the products that the company provides. It means that a member can purchase the digital device and lesson ticket together.

    9) Points Points are the value that can be earned and used to purchase course tickets or other products through the company website or app.

    2. Definitions of the terms used in these Terms of Service shall be governed by the laws and service-specific policies, except as stipulated in Paragraph 1 of this Article. The terms that aren’t defined in these Terms of Service are interpreted by the general customs


    Article 3 (Specification and Amendment of the Terms of Service)

    The company publish the contents of the Terms of Service, names of the representative and the business, the address of the business site (including the address where consumer's complaints can be processed), phone number, e-mail address, business registration number, telecommunication commerce report number, person in charge of personal information, and etc. on the front page of the website or app. However, the contents of the agreement can be made available to the users through the connection screen.

    The company may amend this agreement to the extent that it does not violate the regulations on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, the laws on the regulation of terms of service, the Contents Industry Promotion Act, and other related laws or business practices.

    In case of amendment of the agreement, the company shall notify the members of the date of application and reasons for revision by posting on the website, the service screen, or the connection screen of the website from 7 days prior to the effective date. However, if the revised content is disadvantageous to the members or if the revision is significant, the members will be informed in the same manner as the paragraph until 30 days prior to the application date and notified to the members by e-mail or text message.

    If a member does not show his / her intention to refuse within 7 days after the notification of the changed conditions (within 30 days of the change if the changed contents are disadvantageous to the member or significant), the member consents to the changed conditions.

    If a member disagrees with the revised terms, the company or member may terminate the service contract.


    Article 4 (Interpretation of the Terms of Service)

    If there are any notices about the Terms of Service or the usage guide for individual services other than these Terms of Service, that agreement takes precedence over these Terms of Service

    Things and interpretations that are not stated in this agreement follow general practices, or the Contents Industry Promotion Act enacted by the government, the Consumer Protection Acts in electronic commerce, the laws on the regulation of terms of service, and the Contents User Protection Guide and related laws.


    Article 5 (Service Delivery and Change)

    The company performs following duties

    1) The company mediates that the tutors teach the members through the company's app or website.

    2) The company provides services to ensure that the lessons between the tutors and the members go smooth.

    3) The company supports incidental duties related to the above.

    2. The company may, if necessary, entrust a portion of the services to a third party such as an affiliated company in contract.

    3. The service in Paragraph 1 is provided 24/7. However, the service may be temporarily be stopped for business or technical reasons. In such cases, the company notifies members before or after the event

    4. For some services, the company can provide them to specific members only. The company can divide the services into certain range and set the available time for each range. In such case, the contents are revealed in advance


    Article 6 (Suspension of Service)
    1. The company may temporarily limit or suspend service, if the company can not provide normal service in situations like natural disasters or national emergencies, and notify tutors the reason and duration of the suspension before or after the event.

    2. The company may suspend service after notifying one week before the suspension of service in case of maintenance, replacement, and communication problems of the company's computer equipment facilities. The company is not accountable for the members who aren’t able to acknowledge the notification during the period. In case of a good reason, the advanced notification period stated above may be omitted or reduced. However, if there’s an unavoidable reason that the company can not notify in advance, the company can notify after the event.

    3. The company has a comprehensive right to determine, change, maintain, and discontinue the services and its contents. The company may change or discontinue all or some services if there are good reasons such as abolishment, merger, division, deterioration of profit of service, and maintenance of service. In such cases, the company will notify the users and reward them according to the conditions set by the company only for the unused paid tickets.

    4. The company may run scheduled maintenances, if there’s needs for the services usage. The maintenance time is according to the notification on the service provision screen.


    Article 7 (Member Registration)
    1. Registration is made by the user agreeing to the contents of the Terms of Service and registering for the membership, and then the company accepts the application. If an user applies for the membership, the user is deemed to have agreed to the Terms of Service of the company.

    The company may not allow the user to join, if one of the followings applies.
    1) In case of false descriptions, errors, or omissions in the application
    2) If the member had a history of disqualification or withdrawal set by these Terms of Service

    3) In case of using someone else’s name

    4) In case of the company not being able to accept because of the user’s negligence or intention, or registering while violating the company’s regulations

    5) In case of violating the company’s regulations or other laws

    3. In principle, the company accepts registration in most cases. However, the company may suspend or refuse the acceptance of the application if it can not afford the facilities related to the service, the technical or business problems, or the other company deems necessary.

    4. The company shall notify the applicant of any reservation or refusal to apply for membership. However, if the company can not notify the applicant without intention or negligence, the company shall not notify.

    5. The membership contract is in act when the approval of the company reaches the member.


    Article 9 (Special Provisions for users under 14 years of age or other special cases)

    1. The company shall obtain the consent of a legal representative (hereinafter “legal guardian”), such as a parent, before accepting a membership application for a user under the age of 14 (hereinafter “child”). However, if the child can not obtain the consent of his/her legal guardian, the company can refuse the child's application for his/her membership.

    2. The company may request minimum amount of information of the legal guardian, including the name of the legal representative to obtain the consent of the legal representative, for the child applying for his/her membership.

    3. The legal guardian of the child may request for the reading, correction, or renewal of the child's personal information, or withdraw his / her consent to the membership. If the legal representative withdraws his / her consent, the company shall take necessary measures such as destruction of personal information of the child and the legal representative.


    Article 10 (Changing Member’s information)

    1. Member can view and modify his/her personal information on the personal information management screen anytime.

    2. If a member changes any of the items listed at the time of application, he/she shall notify the company by e-mail, text message, or other methods about the changes.

    3. The company is not liable for any disadvantage caused by the failure of the member to modify in accordance with paragraph 2, or not notifying the company of the changes.


    Article 11 (Obligations for Member’s Account Information and Password)
    1. Member is responsible for his/her own password and account information

    2. Member must not provide his/her account information and password to a third party

    3. In case of recognition of the theft of his/her account information and password or a third party user of the account, the member must notify the company and follow the company’s instructions.

    4. The company is not liable for any disadvantages caused by not notifying the company or failure follow the company's instructions after notifying the company.


    Article 12 (Notification to Members)

    1. The company notifies a member by email, phone number, and etc. set by the member

    2. In case of the company notifying every member, the company may post it on the front screen of the website or a pop-up screen for more than 7 days to substitute the notice in paragraph 1. However, the company must make notice set by paragraph 1 for important matters regarding the members or amendments of the Terms of Service in accordance with Article 3.


    Article 13 (Membership withdrawal and disqualification)

    Member can always request to withdraw his/her membership. The company shall process the withdrawal request quickly if the member requests to withdraw.

    The company may limit and suspend membership if the member falls under any of the following grounds:
    1) If the member inputs false information when he/she registers, or applies/ change contents usage
    2) If the member does not pay the debt due by the member’s purchase on services of the company before the deadline
    3) If the member uses other user’s information to disrupt the system
    4) Changing the information posted by the company or third party

    5) Using, sending, or posting information (computer programs and such) prohibited by the company

    6) Violation of intellectual right or copyright of the company or third party

    7) Damaging the honor of the company or third party, or disrupting their works

    8) Disclosing or posting on the company's site any information that is contrary to the obscenity or violent words, images, sound, and etc.

    9) Avoiding or neutralizing the company's technical protective measures

    10) If the member violates these Terms of Service, laws, or common goods on the company’s website or app

    If a member whose membership has been limited or suspended has repeated the act prohibited by each items of Paragraph 2, or if there’s no correction of behavior within 7 days after a notification, the member may lose his/her membership.

    In case of suspending a membership in accordance with Paragraph 3, the company notifies the member of the facts and reasons. However, in case of the member justifying his/her action within 15 days since the notification, the company shall immediately resume the membership if the contents are justified.


    Article 14 (Signing of Content Purchase Contract such as Course Ticket)

    The content purchase agreement (or the content usage agreement) is concluded by the member applying for content purchase such as course ticket through the website and the app according to the procedure set by the company and paying the corresponding price.  By entering into a content purchase agreement,

    the member acquires the right to purchase the applied content. If the applied content is a course content, then the member obtains the right to take courses.

    The contents such as tickets are based on the price announced on the company's website and app by the company's designated rate system. However, foreign users may have some differences depending on the exchange rate, and the company can adjust some of the plan without prior notice in order to meet the standard of the rate plan due to a sudden exchange rate change.

    1 time course tickets are classified into 10 min, 15 min, 20 min, 30 min, and 40 min.

    If you stop the course, the remaining minutes must be usedbefore 24:00 of the day, or the remaining minutes will be lost


    Article 15 (Payment Method)

    1. The course tickets can be purchased in one of the following methods
    1) Bank transfer
    2) Credit card
    3) Cell phone
    4) Paypal
    5) Coupons issued by the company
    6) Other methods set by the company

    2. The coupons issued by the company can be used prior to the expiration date, and they can’t be exchanged to cash.


    Article 16 (Refund Policy)

    1. Member who has entered into a content purchase contract with the company may withdraw within the period set in the following subparagraph

    1) 7 days from the date of purchase contract sign

    2) If the issuance of the course ticket is delayed, 7 days from the date of the receipt or issuance

    2. The right to withdraw the subscription under Paragraph 1 can not be exercised, if it falls under any of the following subparagraph: However, the company shall notify the fact that a member can not withdraw the subscription in order to exclude the right to withdraw the subscription from subparagraph 2 to subparagraph 4 on the contents or anywhere that members or users can see easily. Or, the company shall make the limited or temporary use of the contents possible, so cancellation doesn’t get disturbed.

    1) If the content is damaged or lost due to the member’s responsible cause 

    2) If the content’s value has decreased significantly due to the member’s usage or partial usage

      3) If the content’s value has decreased significantly over-time, so the reselling is difficult

      4) If the packaging of the copyable content is damaged

      5) In case of the approval of the cancellation can cause significant damage to the company that it may not recover from (such as contents being individually produced by a member’s order), if the company notified the facts about the transaction in advance and gained an agreement from the member through a document (including e-document)

    3. Despite Paragraph 1 and 2, if there is any reason falling under any of the following subparagraph, the member shall cancel the subscription within 3 months from the date that the member was able to use the content, or 30 days from the date that the member was able to know the fact.

      1) When the content is provided differently from the display or advertisement

      2) If the content is implemented differently from the contract

    4. Member may withdraw the subscription under the provisions of Paragraph 1 or 3 by telephone, text message, e-mail, fax, and etc.

    5. If a member exercises the right of withdrawal in document (including electronic documents) under Paragraph 1 or Paragraph 3, it shall take effect on the date of dispatching the written statement of the intention.

    6. The company shall reply to the member upon receipt of the notice of cancellation of the subscription without delay.


    Article 17 (Members Contract Release/Termination)

    1. Member may release or terminate a Content Purchase Agreement if there is one of the following reasons:

      1) If the content is not provided until the date of delivery

      2) If the member can’t achieve his/her usage purpose due to the delivery of defected content

      3) If the cumulative time of failure of the content through out 1 month is over 72 hours

      4) If the member agrees or declines the terms of change

      5) If the company does not post the reason for change such as the content usage conditions, or the member declines changes on the usage conditions

    2. For a member to release or terminate the content purchase agreement under subparagraph 1 or 2 of Paragraph 1, the member shall establish a considerable period of time and request the company to make the usage of the content possible or to deliver the content without any defect. However, this is not the case if the member can not achieve the purpose of the contract without the content being delivered at that time, or if the company specifies that the content will not be delivered in advance.


    Article 18 (The Companys Contract Release. Termination or Usage Restriction)

    1.  The company may release or terminate the content purchase agreement if the misbehavior of a member who violated these Terms of Service is not corrected within 30 days, even though the company has requested the member to correct the misbehavior.

    2. The termination/release of this Article shall take effect when the notice of intention is received by the member in accordance with the notification method set in these Terms of Service.

    3. Member may appeal the termination/release and an usuage restriction. If the company's appeal is legitimate, the company immediately takes the necessary measures to ensure that the member has access to the content.


    Article 19 (Suspension and Hold of Service, Cancellation of Course Ticket Registration, and etc.)

    Member loses his/her course rights to the service upon successful cancellation of the course ticket.

    If a member damages the company or a third party including a tutor while the course is being held, the member is not exempted from liability even if the ticket is canceled.

    The company may suspend, hold, terminate, and cancel the courses for the member without prior notice in accordance with the following:
     1) In case of violation of the provisions stated in these Terms of Service
     2) In case of not following the service guideline of the company or the tutor.

    If the company suspends or cancels the user's class due to the reasons stated in Paragraph 3, the company does not refund the course ticket that is already used.


    Article 20 (General Principle on Refund)

    1. The company will process the refund in the way that the member has paid for the ticket. For example, if a member paid with a bank transfer, the member will be refunded through the same bank account. If a member paid with a card, he or she will be refunded through the same card partially or wholesomely.   Same applies for Paypal.   However, if the company can not refund the money in the same way as the payment, it will notify the member in advance, so the member can be refunded in a different way.

    2. In case of a refund due to withdrawal, cancellation, and termination, the company will complete the refund within 3 business days from later of the date of the notice or the date on which the content is returned If a refund is made through the payment agency, the refund date may be delayed because of circumstances of the payment company. The company will not be liable for the delay of the refund due to the payment company, and will process it according to the terms of the payment company agreed by the member.

    3. Member is obliged to return all contents that can be returned in the case of withdrawal, cancellation, and termination of the purchase contract, and if the contents are not returned, only the amount of the contents that are returned will be refunded.

    4. In case of contents refunds, fees for payment methods such as bank, card company, and Paypal may be excluded.

    5. The company can reject refunds in following situations.

    1) If the member was not able to use the service before the date of expiration due to his/her negligence

    2) If the exempt cost related to the refund exceeds the amount of the remaining usage fee

    3) If the member requests for a refund after withdrawing from the service

    4) If the member requests for a refund of temporary or one-time use contents

    5) Other non-justified reasons


    Article 21 (Refund for 1 month Subscription)

    1. Member has the right to use the ticket to take a tutor's course for the period (1 month) previously announced by the company when purchasing the ticket, and can not request a refund if the ticket expires

    2.. In the event that a member voluntarily terminates the usage contract or if the company terminates the ticket usage contract due to the user's liability, the refund will be processed according to the following provisions. 

    1) Before 1/2 of the total course period after purchasing the course ticket: Total payment amount - Payment amount X (used ticket / unused ticket) - Fee (10% of the payment amount).

    2) After the purchase of the ticket, the member will not be able to return it after the half of the whole course has passed. 

    3. In case of the member has to terminate the ticket usage contract due to the liability of the company in accordance with Article 17, the company shall refund the following amount based on the time when the reason occurred.

    1) Before 1/2 of the total course period after purchasing the course ticket: Total payment amount - Payment amount X (used ticket / unused ticket)

    2) After the purchase of the ticket, the member will not be able to return it after the half of the whole course has passed. 

    4. If a member does not indicate his / her intention to return the tuition and doesn’t participate the course without a good reason, the period of absence is counted as the teaching time, and the refund will be based on the time of the refund request.


    Article 22 (Refund of Periodic Payment Products)

    1. In case of periodic payment products that are regularly paid every month, if the member is terminated, the automatic payment will not be made anymore on the upcoming payment date.

    2. If a member applies for termination of automatic payment according to Paragraph 1, a ticket that has already expired can not be refunded. For a member who wishes to refund the remaining ticket which the automatic payment was last made, the refund for the last periodic payment will be processed in accordance with the previous Article’s refund policy.


    Article 23 (Refund for Package Products)

    1. If a member wants to cancel the purchase and didn’t open the device, the refund can be approved within a week after the purchase  If the member unpacked the device, the device can not be refunded. Only the remaining tickets will be refunded.

    2. If there is a problem with the device of the package product, it follows the policies of the companies that produced each device.


    Article 24 (Changing Course Tickets)

    1. The course ticket can be changed within the same language only.

    2. The rate of change that is applied in the event of change is determined by the rate at which the member has paid the ticket.

    Article 25 (Free Courses)
    1. User and member can participate in free trial classes through separate regulations such as coupons and events set by the company.

    2. User and member must follow the Terms of Service during the free trial classes

    3. The company may restrict participation of a user, if the user decides to create multiple accounts or inappropriate accounts to participate in free classes.


    Article 26 (Free Points)

    1. Member can obtain a certain amount of free points through marketing by conducted by the company, purchasing tickets, and etc. 

    2. The free points are distributed after completion of certain acts like purchasing certain amount of products, taking a survey, and etc.

    3. Member can use the free points they receive when purchasing a course from the website or app, and the company may announce the rate of free point usage compared to cash usage on the home page.

    4. There is a validity period for the free points, which will be notified to the user in advance. The free points disappear after the expiration date.

    5. The free points can’t be exchanged to cash

    6. For foreign users, 1000 points are like 1 USD, but the company may change the ratio in case of valid reasons such as a sudden exchange rate change. 

    7. Members can use free points when purchasing tickets and items offered by the company, but in case of refund, the company will only process the paid portion of the refund.


    Article 27 (Courses and Reservation)
    1. Members can choose a tutor that is available in real-time at any time, or can reserve a tutor.

    2. If a member wants to take a class by making a reservation, he or she can schedule the class by deducting the amount from his/her subscription. At this time, if the lesson does not occur due to the absence of the member, the company will not refund or reimburse the student for pre-deducted amount.

    3. After a member reserves a class, the member can cancel the class reservation only for the time specified by the company separately.

    4. If the lesson does not occur due to the absence of the tutor, the course ticket is reimbursed before 24:00of the same date.

    5. Registration methods of courses and reservations that are not listed above follow a separate page announce by the company. If there is any conflict with these terms on the separate page, the contents of this page take precedence.

    Article 28 (Obligations of the Company)

    1. The company shall not engage in conduct that is prohibited by laws, regulations, or the rules of the public order and morals. The company shall endeavor to provide consistent and reliable contents, including classes, as provided in these Terms of Service.

    2. The company must have a security system to protect the users' personal information so that the users can use the service safely.

    3. The company does not send out commercial e-mails for profits that users do not want, unless the user agrees to receive commercial e-mails.


    Article 29 (Obligations of the Users)

    1. User must not do following activities.
    1) Inputing false information during membership registration or changing personal information

    2) Providing or renting the account information or password to a 3rd party

    3) Using someone else’s information

    4) Violating intellectual properties like copyrights of the company

    5) Dishonoring the company or a third party, or disrupting their works

    6) Other illegal activities violating related laws or these Terms of Service

    2. Member may not take any action described below when using the service during class or through the chat window within the app.
      1) Disrupting class operations

    2) Misleading the tutor to do illegal activities

    3) Sending sexually harassing texts, words, or images to the tutor

    4) Asking the tutor’s personal information, or personal e-mail, SMS to privately contact the tutor

    5) Forcing certain religions or political stance to the tutor

    6) Asking the tutor for information or encouraging to move to a competitor

    7) Asking about the company’s terms of employment and in-house system

    8) Participating in the class under influence

    9) Cursing the tutor or asking for his/her personal information

    10) Using inappropriate words or sexual gestures to the tutor

    11) Other violations of laws and these Terms of Service, or public morals

    3. The Company may determine whether a member has engaged in any of the prohibited acts specified in the preceding paragraphs, and decide to whether suspend or terminate the member.


    Article 30 (Ownership of Copyright and Usage Restriction)
    1. The company owns copyrights and other intellectual property rights for the work created by the company such as contents posted on the app or website.

    2. User may not use the information about the company's intellectual property right attained by using the company's app or website for commercial purposes by copying, transmitting, publishing, distributing, broadcasting or other methods without prior consent of the company, or make third parties use the information

    3. All copyrights and ownership of images, photographs, voice recordings, trademarks, logos, texts, and services all belong to the company. User can not violate the copyrights of the company and can not upload to print, magazine, or website. Users can not distribute these to third parties.


    Article 31 (Reasons for Waiver)

    1. The company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the user in case of failure to provide the service due to unavoidable circumstances like natural disasters, unless there are intentional and grave errors. 

    3. The company shall be exempted from liability if the telecommunications carrier ceases to provide telecommunication services or fails to provide regular services.

    4. The company shall be exempted from liability for damages caused by unavoidable reasons such as maintenance, replacement, periodic inspection, and construction of service facilities, unless there is an intention or negligence of the company.

    5. The company shall not be liable for the accuracy and trustworthiness of contents of information, data, and facts posted by users, tutors, third parties on the board. 

    6. The company shall not be liable for any disputes between users, between users and tutors, or between users and third parties.

    7. The company shall not be liable for any damages caused by expecting profit or loss, or data while using the service


    Article 32 (Settlement of Dispute)

    1. The company shall establish and operate the damage compensation mechanism in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations, and the internal policies of the company to reflect the legitimate opinions and complaints posed by the users and to compensate the damage.

    2. The company takes precedence over complaints and comments submitted by users. However, if it is difficult to process promptly, the user will be notified immediately of the reason and the processing schedule.

    3. If there is an application for remedy of an user regarding the dispute between the company and the user, the company may follow a dispute resolution body.


    Article 33 (Jurisdiction and Governing Law)

    The lawsuits related to disputes between the company and the users shall be filed by the court of competent jurisdiction of the Civil Procedure Act of the Republic of Korea.

    The laws of the Republic of Korea apply to any dispute arising between the company and the users.


    These Terms of Service will be effective from the date of   April, 1, 2018

  • #Proofreading Are there any restrictions on the subject when using the correction ticket service?

    Yes! Although there are no restrictions on the subject, articles that contain personal information or require professional knowledge would be difficult for amendment.

    *Correction Service is only available in South Korea. (We are currently discussing the implementation for overseas users. We will notify you once the function is added.)

  • #Proofreading I am curious how to use the correction ticket service.

    [Get the correction ticket]

    - Correction ticket is provided when purchasing the lesson plan.

    [How to use the correction ticket?]

    1. Please go to the correction page. [My Tutoring > Proofreading]
    2. Please leave the text you would like to correct in English.
    3. When the tutor completes the correction, a notification message will be sent to [Tudal Notification & Notice].
    4. Click the [Check corrected text] button to review the details.

    [Maximum word limit of the correction service]

    - 500 characters in English are limited for each correction ticket.
    - Maximum two correction tickets can be used for 1,000 characters at the same time.
    (Academic writing is not applicable.)

    * Correction Service is only available in South Korea. (We are currently discussing the implementation for overseas users. We will notify you once the function is added.)

  • #Policy Receive Marketing Promotions

    Marketing Promo Information

    1. Marketing Promo Details
    Free education consultation, coupons, events, promotion and marketing benefits

    2. Information Delivery Channels
    E-mail, SMS, Phone, In-App Message

  • #Notice [Notice] Advance notice on ticket price increase (2022. 03. 21)

    this is Tutoring.
    We have been trying our best to ensure the best language learning environment at a reasonable price from the start until now. 

    However, due to the pandemic which began in 2020, we are inevitably adjusting the lesson ticket benefits from March 21st, 2022 due to the rise in the exchange rates and advertising costs.

    [Adjustments in Lesson Tickets]
    1. Lesson ticket price increase
    GLOBAL & NATIVE lesson ticket prices will increase by 20%

    2. Adjustment in the number of provided proofreading tickets
    Now 50% of the number of purchased lesson tickets will be provided as proofreading tickets.

    With these adjustments, we will continue to do our best to provide a better learning experience with more convenient services and useful, content.

    If you are considering purchasing lesson tickets, please consider the adjustment date.

    Thank you,
    Tutoring Team. 

  • #Errors The class suddenly cut-off!

    First of all, we apologize for the inconvenience caused.

    When the lesson disconnects due to internet connection problem, the leftover minutes will be reserved until 23:59 of the day. You can either call back to the tutor right away or just use the leftover minutes by the day (KST).

    Lesson ticket will not be deducted if the class is less than 3 minutes caused by the network issue.

    To maintain a stable connection class environment, please follow the instructions below.

    - I'm using indoor WiFi but it's not working.

    If you are using indoor WiFi, please check if the free public WiFi is automatically disconnected. You can click "Settings > Click the WiFi list for more than 2 seconds > Turn off automatically"

    Please be aware that disconnection may occur even LTE connection is automatically connected.

    - The volume of the speaker is too low.

    We recommend using earphones or headset during class. Bad quality of microphone or earphones may affect the progress of your lessons. Tutoring Development Team always keep a close eye on all technological issues and putting efforts to make it better. Thanks very much.

  • #Proofreading Can I use the correction ticket after the expiry date of my lesson plan?

    The correction ticket has the same expiry date as the lesson plan.

    Please note that the expiry date of the correction ticket will not be changed even the lesson plan is extended.

    And the correction ticket cannot be used once it expires.

    *Correction Service is only available in South Korea. (We are currently discussing the implementation for overseas users. We will notify you once the function is added.)

  • #Proofreading What is the maximum word limit of the correction service?

    You can write 500 characters in English with each correction ticket.

    And you can use two correction tickets to write with a maximum of 1,000 characters at the same time.

    (The correction service is only available in South Korea now)

  • #Documents Can I receive a receipt or a proof of attendance?

    You can recieve those documents by contacting our CS team :)

  • #Proofreading There is no reply to my correction request.

    The feedback of your request is usually made within 24 hours. And it might be delayed 1~2 days in the weekend, please wait patiently and check again later.

    *Correction Service is only available in South Korea. (We are currently discussing the implementation for overseas users. We will notify you once the function is added.)

  • #Proofreading I would like to delete the correction record.

    If you want to delete the previous correction record, please contact our 1:1 customer services in TUTORING app.

    *Correction Service is only available in South Korea. (We are currently discussing the implementation for overseas users. We will notify you once the function is added.)

  • #Errors Technical problem (WiFi connection or low volume)

    We apologise for the inconvenience caused. Please report your issue through the button below. We will try to figure out the problem as soon as possible.

    Before reporting, please check the setting of equipments as follows:

    - WiFi connection issue

    1. Please check whether the WiFi was automatically disconnected if you are in public area.

    If you would like to turn off the automatic disconnect setting, please refer to Settings > Press the WiFi button for more than 2 seconds > Click "turn off automatic disconnect"

    2. Check the network settings
    - WiFi / LTE
    - Make sure strong and stable network is connected.

    - Low volume issue

    1. We recommend using earphones or headset during class. Check whether your device, earphones and microphone are well connected. Bad quality of microphone or earphones may affect the progress of your lessons.

    2. Check whether the microphone usage is authorized in your device.

    AOS User : Setting -> App -> Permission Manager -> Tutoring -> Permission -> Microphone
    iOS User: Setting -> search for "Tutoring" at the bottom -> Option-> Microphone

    3. Check whether the app is the most-updated version.

    4. Check network settings
    - WiFi / LTE
    - Make sure strong and stable network is connected.

    If there is still any problem, please do not hesitate to contact our customer services.

  • #Buy&Refund What is the refund policy?

    Refund policy :

    1) Refund will be done by deducting the original price instead of the discounted price. (Native lesson: USD12 / ticket ; Global lessons: USD 6 / ticket)

    2) Minimum lessons per month:

    If the used lesson tickets are less than "minimum lessons per month", "minimum lessons per month" will be deducted instead of the actual lessons taken.

    ie. it is the 3rd month of the plan and only 10 tickets have been used.

    Global / 96 lessons / 12 months (package discounted price: USD432)
    Minimum lessons per month = 96 lessons / 12 months = 8 lessons

    10 tickets used -> less than 8 lessons taken per month

    USD 6 x 3 months x 8 (min. lessons) = USD144
    Refundable amount: USD432 - USD144 = USD288

    3) If you had taken lessons more than the "minimum lessons per month", refund will be done after deducting the lesson tickets used.

    ie. it is the 3rd month of the plan and 30 tickets have been used.

    Global / 96 lessons / 12 months (package discounted price: USD432)

    USD6 x 30 lessons = USD180

    Refundable amount: USD432 - USD168 = USD252

    **Extended tickets are NOT applicable in refund policy and CANNOT be refunded.**
    **All payment is proceeded in USD.**
    **Overseas card may take up to 10 business days for refund.**

    The refund process is based on Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Please check Terms of Use 4.4(new) articles 129, 20, 21, 22).

  • #Tutor How can become a tutor?

    Please apply here:

    (scroll to the bottom -> apply to teach)

  • #Tutor How can I find the tutors who taught me before?

    Please go to [Tutor > Currently online tutor > My Tutors] in the app.
    You may search the name of the turor there.

    *Please toggle the heart button at the right upper side if you want to unhighlight them

  • #Buy&Refund I didn't know the recurring payment was not processed. How can I pay again?

    If the payment is not made on the due date, additional payment will automatically be attempted up to 3 times.

    Furthermore, recurring payment will automatically be terminated if payment is not made on the last additional payment attempt.

    Payment failure may happen due to various reasons.

    If you receive a message related to the payment, please make sure to check the card information again. (It may be caused by the expiration date of the card has expired or the limit has been exceeded.)

    If you need to change your payment card, you can go to [My Tutoring > App Settings_Settings > Subscription Management_Manage Credit Card Payment Method] in the app.

    (Only available for Korean Won transaction.)

  • #How to use I want to change my account password.

    You can change your password by the following procedure.

    My Tutoring > Select profile image > Change password

  • #How to use I want to change my subscription card information.

    You can change the credit card in the app, [My Tutoring > App Settings_Settings > Subscription Management_Manage Credit Card Payment Method].

    It is possible to register all Korean domestic check/credit/corporate cards.
    The existing card information will be deleted after the new card is registered.
    Please noted that the new card information will be applied from the next month's payment.

    * Only available for Korean Won transaction.

  • #How to use Can I use the 10/20 minutes tickets alternately?

    If you have both 10 and 20 minutes tickets, you can decide the length of the class.

    *First of all, let's try to use the class extension function!

    -If the class is extended with a 10-minute ticket, the class can be extended to 30 minutes (2 additional tickets are used)
    -If the class is extended with a 20-minute ticket, the class can be extended to 60 minutes (2 additional tickets are used)

  • #How to use How much of data does this application require?

    Normally, it takes about 3 MB per minute when using this application therefore, using WiFi is highly recommended.

    *Please make sure your WiFi signal is strong and stable.

  • #How to use My tutor isn't online on the appointment time.

    We are sorry for the inconvenience casued.

    The ticket for reserved lesson will be restored to your account at midnight (KST).

    Also, if the tutor doens't show up for more than 3 times, that specific tutor won't be able to open appointment slots for 2 weeks.

    We appologize once again for the unpleasant experience you encountered.

  • #How to use [Information On Recording File Archive Period]

    [Information on recording file archive period]

    The recording files of lessons are stored in the server and gets archived after one year.

    As these files cannot be restored once it is over the storage period, please review the lesson recording within a year.

    In order to protect the privacy of both tutors and students, all the recordings files are not saved in another external storage.

  • #Errors Speaker Volume is too small

    It's recommended to wear earphones during the class.

    If there are problems with your mic or earphones, there might be problems during the lesson.




  • #Errors Problems regarding the quality of the lesson (Wi-Fi)

    Sorry for any inconviniences caused.

    Please check if the wifi wasn't automatically disconnected if you are in a public place. 

    If you want to turn off the automatic disconnect setting, go to Settings > press on to the wifi for more than 2 seconds > click on turn off automatic disconnect



  • #Notice [Notification] Launching a dedicated app for Chinese learning 'Tutoring Jiayou'

    Hello, this is Tutoring Operations Team.
    It is good news for those who love Chinese conversation!
    Tutoring Jiayou, a dedicated app for learning Chinese, is launched.

    [Schedule Notice]
    ■ Date and time of release: June 24, 2020 (Wednesday) 12 p.m.
    ■ Android Play Store: Further information
    ■ Apple App Store: Further information
    *Still in use until launch.Now select and recommend learning courses on the Chinese-only app, learn Chinese language skills through 1:1 conversation classes, unlimited review, and re-listening!

    Q. Can't I take Chinese classes on the existing tutoring app?
    - Yes, an app installation pop-up will appear when switching to Chinese in an existing tutoring app.

    Q. I am a user who uses both English and Chinese. What should I do?
    - You can install both the 'Old Tutoring' and the 'Tutoring 쨔요' app and log in to the account you are using.

    We will try to provide better service in the future.
    Tutoring Operations Team.

  • #Policy Privacy Policy 3.0 (New)

    Privacy Policy


    This Privacy Policy (the "Policy") explains the way of treatment of the information which is provided or collected in the websites on which this Policy is posted. In addition, the Policy also explains the information which is provided or collected in the course of using the applications of the Company which exist in the websites or platforms of other company. 


    Through this Policy, the Company regards personal information of the users as important and inform them of the purpose and method of Company's using the personal information provided by the users and the measures taken by the Company for protection of those personal information. 


    This Policy will be effective on the 1st day of Jan, 2017 and, in case of modification thereof, the Company will make public notice of it through posting it on the bulletin board of Company's website or individual notice through sending mails, fax or e-mails). 


    1. Information to be collected and method of collection 

    (1) Personal information items to be collected

    password, ID, log data, cookies, payment history

    Email, phone number, address, name, credit card info, bank info,


     (2) Method of collection 

    The Company collects the information of users in a way of the followings: 

    •          App, webpage, written form, fax, telephone calling, e-mailing, tools for collection of created information 

    •          provided by partner companies


    2. Use of collected information

    The Company uses the collected information of users for the following purposes: 

    •          Member management and identification 

    •          To detect and deter unauthorized or fraudulent use of or abuse of the Service

    •          Performance of contract and service fee settlement regarding provision of services demanded by the users

    •          Improvement of existing services and development of new services

    •          Making notice of function of company sites or applications or matters on policy change 

    •          To help you connect with other users you already know and, with your permission, allow other users to connect with you

    •          To make statistics on member’s service usage, to provide services and place advertisements based on statistical characteristics

    •          To provide information on promotional events as well as opportunity to participate

    •          To comply with applicable laws or legal obligation

    •          Use of information with prior consent of the users (for example, utilization of marketing advertisement)


    The Company agrees that it will obtain consent from the users, if the Company desires to use the information other than those expressly stated in this Policy. 


    3. Sharing collected information 

    Except for the following cases, the Company will not share personal information with a 3rd party:

    When the Company's affiliates, partners and service providers carry out services such as bill payment, execution of orders, products delivery and dispute resolution (including disputes on payment and delivery) for and on behalf of the Company


    when the user selects to be provided by the information of products and services of certain companies by sharing his or her personal information with those companies

    when the user selects to allow his or her personal information to be shared with the sites or platform of other companies such as social networking sites 

    other cases where the user gives prior consent for sharing his or her personal information 


    • when the sharing is required by the laws

    -          if required to be disclosed by the laws and regulations; or

    -          if required to be disclosed by the investigative agencies for detecting crimes in accordance with the procedure and method as prescribed in the laws and regulations 


    4. Cookies, Beacons and Similar Technologies

    The Company may collect collective and impersonal information through 'cookies'

    Cookies are very small text files to be sent to the browser of the users by the server used for operation of the websites of the Company and will be stored in hard-disks of the users' computer. 

     Web beacon is a small quantity of code which exists on the websites and e-mails. By using web beacons, we may know whether a user has interacted with certain webs or the contents of email. 

     These functions are used for evaluating, improving services and setting-up users' experiences so that much improved services can be provided by the Company to the users 

    The users have an option for cookie installation. So, they may either allow all cookies by setting option in web browser, make each cookie checked whenever it is saved, or refuses all cookies to be saved: Provided that, if the user rejects the installation of cookies, it may be difficult for that user to use the parts of services provided by the Company. 


    5. Users' right to access and option

    The users or their legal representatives, as main agents of the information, may exercise the following options regarding the collection, use and sharing of personal information by the Company:


    •          exercise right to access to personal information;

    •          make corrections or deletion; 

    •          make temporary suspension of treatment of personal information; or

    •          request the withdrawal of their consent provided before


    If, in order to exercise the above options, you, as an user, use the menu of 'amendment of member information of webpage or contact the Company by using representative telephone or sending a document or e-mails, or using telephone to the responsible department (or person in charge of management of personal information), the Company will take measures without delay: Provided that the Company may reject the request of you only to the extent that there exists either proper cause as prescribed in the laws or equivalent cause. 


    6. Security 

    The Company regards the security of personal information of uses as very important. The company constructs the following security measures to protect the users' personal information from any unauthorized access, release, use or modification

    •          Countermeasures against hacking

    •          Establish and execute internal management plan

    •          Install and operate access control system 

    •          Take measures to prevent forging or alteration of access record


    7. Modification of Privacy Protection Policy 

    The Company has the right to amend or modify this Policy from time to time and, in such case, the Company will make a public notice of it through bulletin board of its website (or through individual notice such as written document, fax or e-mail) and obtain consent from the users if required by relevant laws. 


    8. Responsible department of Company

    The Company designates the following department and person in charge of personal information in order to protect personal information of customers and deal with complaints from customers:

    • Department responsible for privacy protection and customer service:

    Team:  Development Team

    Tel.:  +82+1522-7802

    E-mail:  jin@tutoring.co.kr,



     * The privacy plicy in Korean is the only legal terms of the Company.  English one is for reference.

    1. The lawsuits related to disputes between the company and the users shall be filed by the court of competent jurisdiction of the Civil Procedure Act of the Republic of Korea.

    2. The laws of the Republic of Korea apply to any dispute arising between the company and the users.






  • #Policy Privacy Policy 2.0 (old)


    Privacy Policy


    This Privacy Policy (the "Policy") explains the way of treatment of the information which is provided or collected in the websites on which this Policy is posted. In addition, the Policy also explains the information which is provided or collected in the course of using the applications of the Company which exist in the websites or platforms of other company. 


    Through this Policy, the Company regards personal information of the users as important and inform them of the purpose and method of Company's using the personal information provided by the users and the measures taken by the Company for protection of those personal information. 


    This Policy will be effective on the 1st day of Jan, 2017 and, in case of modification thereof, the Company will make public notice of it through posting it on the bulletin board of Company's website or individual notice through sending mails, fax or e-mails). 


    1. Information to be collected and method of collection 

    (1) Personal information items to be collected

    password, ID, log data, cookies, payment history

    Email, phone number, address, name, credit card info, bank info,


     (2) Method of collection 

    The Company collects the information of users in a way of the followings: 

    •          App, webpage, written form, fax, telephone calling, e-mailing, tools for collection of created information 

    •          provided by partner companies


    2. Use of collected information

    The Company uses the collected information of users for the following purposes: 

    •          Member management and identification 

    •          To detect and deter unauthorized or fraudulent use of or abuse of the Service

    •          Performance of contract and service fee settlement regarding provision of services demanded by the users

    •          Improvement of existing services and development of new services

    •          Making notice of function of company sites or applications or matters on policy change 

    •          To help you connect with other users you already know and, with your permission, allow other users to connect with you

    •          To make statistics on member’s service usage, to provide services and place advertisements based on statistical characteristics

    •          To provide information on promotional events as well as opportunity to participate

    •          To comply with applicable laws or legal obligation

    •          Use of information with prior consent of the users (for example, utilization of marketing advertisement)


    The Company agrees that it will obtain consent from the users, if the Company desires to use the information other than those expressly stated in this Policy. 


    3. Sharing collected information 

    Except for the following cases, the Company will not share personal information with a 3rd party:

    When the Company's affiliates, partners and service providers carry out services such as bill payment, execution of orders, products delivery and dispute resolution (including disputes on payment and delivery) for and on behalf of the Company


    when the user selects to be provided by the information of products and services of certain companies by sharing his or her personal information with those companies

    when the user selects to allow his or her personal information to be shared with the sites or platform of other companies such as social networking sites 

    other cases where the user gives prior consent for sharing his or her personal information 


    • when the sharing is required by the laws

    -          if required to be disclosed by the laws and regulations; or

    -          if required to be disclosed by the investigative agencies for detecting crimes in accordance with the procedure and method as prescribed in the laws and regulations 


    4. Cookies, Beacons and Similar Technologies

    The Company may collect collective and impersonal information through 'cookies'

    Cookies are very small text files to be sent to the browser of the users by the server used for operation of the websites of the Company and will be stored in hard-disks of the users' computer. 

     Web beacon is a small quantity of code which exists on the websites and e-mails. By using web beacons, we may know whether a user has interacted with certain webs or the contents of email. 

     These functions are used for evaluating, improving services and setting-up users' experiences so that much improved services can be provided by the Company to the users 

    The users have an option for cookie installation. So, they may either allow all cookies by setting option in web browser, make each cookie checked whenever it is saved, or refuses all cookies to be saved: Provided that, if the user rejects the installation of cookies, it may be difficult for that user to use the parts of services provided by the Company. 


    5. Users' right to access and option

    The users or their legal representatives, as main agents of the information, may exercise the following options regarding the collection, use and sharing of personal information by the Company:


    •          exercise right to access to personal information;

    •          make corrections or deletion; 

    •          make temporary suspension of treatment of personal information; or

    •          request the withdrawal of their consent provided before


    If, in order to exercise the above options, you, as an user, use the menu of 'amendment of member information of webpage or contact the Company by using representative telephone or sending a document or e-mails, or using telephone to the responsible department (or person in charge of management of personal information), the Company will take measures without delay: Provided that the Company may reject the request of you only to the extent that there exists either proper cause as prescribed in the laws or equivalent cause. 


    6. Security 

    The Company regards the security of personal information of uses as very important. The company constructs the following security measures to protect the users' personal information from any unauthorized access, release, use or modification

    •          Countermeasures against hacking

    •          Establish and execute internal management plan

    •          Install and operate access control system 

    •          Take measures to prevent forging or alteration of access record


    7. Modification of Privacy Protection Policy 

    The Company has the right to amend or modify this Policy from time to time and, in such case, the Company will make a public notice of it through bulletin board of its website (or through individual notice such as written document, fax or e-mail) and obtain consent from the users if required by relevant laws. 


    8. Responsible department of Company

    The Company designates the following department and person in charge of personal information in order to protect personal information of customers and deal with complaints from customers:

    • Department responsible for privacy protection and customer service:

    Team:  Development Team

    Tel.:  +82+1522-7802

    E-mail:  jin@tutoring.co.kr,



     * The privacy plicy in Korean is the only legal terms of the Company.  English one is for reference.

    1. The lawsuits related to disputes between the company and the users shall be filed by the court of competent jurisdiction of the Civil Procedure Act of the Republic of Korea.

    2. The laws of the Republic of Korea apply to any dispute arising between the company and the users.






  • BEST Months2 classes / week, total 120 classes
    USD 140/ Month
    USD 840
    USD / class
  • BEST 個月 每周 2 堂課 , 共 120 堂課
    USD 140/ 月
    USD 840
    USD / 堂課