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Dean from the UK, specializes in Business conversation!


Dean from the UK, specializes in Business conversation!

62 Lessons


저는 비즈니스 영어 전문입니다. 다양한 직종의 직장인들에게 비즈니스 영어를 가르쳐왔으며 어휘나 문법같은 일반영어 분야도 진행합니다 IELTS 스피킹이나 케임브리지 영어 시험대비도 도와드릴게요.

I'm a Business English Specialist, teaching Business English to adults in a variety of companies and industries. I also have experience teaching English for general purpose including everyday vocabulary and grammar. I can also help with exam preparation including IELTS Speaking and Cambridge English Exams.

I'm a Business English Specialist, teaching Business English to adults in a variety of companies and industries. I also have experience teaching English for general purpose including everyday vocabulary and grammar. I can also help with exam preparation including IELTS Speaking and Cambridge English Exams.

Message to Students
저는 딘입니다! 비즈니스 영어 전문가이고 영국사람이에요. 당신의 목적에 맞게 영어 실력을 증진시켜드리겠습니다. 일을 위해서든 일반 영어를 잘하고싶든 뭐든 좋아요! 저는 영국 발음을 구사하는데 함께 듣고 말하는데에 아주 효과적일 것 입니다!

Hello! My name is Dean and I'm a Business English Specialist Teacher from the UK. If you'd like to improve your English for a specific purpose such as your work and career or you'd just like to improve your general spoken English I'd love to help you. I have a neutral British accent so you'll also have some excellent listening practice when we speak. I can't wait to meet you! Speak soon.

Hello! My name is Dean and I'm a Business English Specialist Teacher from the UK. If you'd like to improve your English for a specific purpose such as your work and career or you'd just like to improve your general spoken English I'd love to help you. I have a neutral British accent so you'll also have some excellent listening practice when we speak. I can't wait to meet you! Speak soon.

  • BEST Months2 classes / week, total 120 classes
    USD 140/ Month
    USD 840
    USD / class
  • BEST 個月 每周 2 堂課 , 共 120 堂課
    USD 140/ 月
    USD 840
    USD / 堂課