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Mary Grace

Mary Grace

9,279 Lessons


가르친지 8년이 되었습니다. Kumon 필리핀 지사에서 영어 읽기 지도자로 4년을 근무했고 현재는 4년 째 ESL 선생님으로 재직 중 입니다.

I've been teaching for almost 8 years. I worked as an English Reading Instructor in Kumon Philippines for 4 years. Now I'm an online ESL Instructor with 4 years experience.

I've been teaching for almost 8 years. I worked as an English Reading Instructor in Kumon Philippines for 4 years. Now I'm an online ESL Instructor with 4 years experience.

Message to Students
좋은 하루! 저는 메리 그레이스 입니다. 메리나 그레이스 선생님이라고 불러도 좋아요. 영어를 배우는 것은 힘듭니다. 그러나 인내심 강하고 열정적이고 잘 경청해주는 저같은 선생님과 함께라면 즐겁게 수업할 수 있을거에요! 저는 언제나 제 학생들이 배운 것을 직접 일상에서도 활용 가능하게 가르칩니다. 그러니 제 수업을 예약하고 함께해요:)

Good day! I'm Teacher Mary Grace. You can call me Teacher Mary or Teacher Grace. Learning English as a second language is a bit challenging but if you have a teacher who is passionate, patient, good listener, perky and goal-oriented like me, it would be interesting and fun. I always make sure that my students learn something after the class and use it in their everyday lives. So book now and I'm looking forward to having a class with you! ^^

Good day! I'm Teacher Mary Grace. You can call me Teacher Mary or Teacher Grace. Learning English as a second language is a bit challenging but if you have a teacher who is passionate, patient, good listener, perky and goal-oriented like me, it would be interesting and fun. I always make sure that my students learn something after the class and use it in their everyday lives. So book now and I'm looking forward to having a class with you! ^^

  • BEST Months2 classes / week, total 120 classes
    USD 140/ Month
    USD 840
    USD / class
  • BEST 個月 每周 2 堂課 , 共 120 堂課
    USD 140/ 月
    USD 840
    USD / 堂課