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Angeli tutor will help you with your grammar :)


Angeli tutor will help you with your grammar :)

1,894 Lessons


ASKIM 온라인 영어 튜토리얼
*포지션: 온라인 영어 선생
-터키 학생들에게 스카이프로 영어를 특정 프로그램을 통해 가르침
-초급자들에게 기본영어 가르치기
-학생들의 영어에 관한 레벨을 측정하기
-데모 클래스 해주고 새로운 선생들 트레이닝
-고급자 학생들과 회화 연습하기
-중간레벨 학생들의 스피킹 스킬 향상 시켜주기

Xepesys Inc.
*포지션: 온라인 영어 사원
-영어 배우고 싶어하는 학생들의 통화 받기
-한국 고객들에게 특정 프로그램과 전화를 사용해 영어 가르치기
-학생들을 레벨로 나누기 위해 배리어를 찾고 그들에게 공부할 책 추천하기
-토픽 추천 리서치하기
-학생들 평가하기

GnGn Eikaiwa
*포지션: 온라인 영어강사
-다양한 방식과 매태리얼로 리딩 스피킹 리스닝 라이팅을 포함한 ESL 영어회화 레슨
-일본학생 가르치기

ASKIM On-line English Tutorial
* Position: Online English Teacher
• Teaching English to Turkish clients on-line using Skype with a certain program.
• Teaching beginners Basic English.
• Be a substitute instructor for a colleague when needed.
• To gauge the level of students’ knowledge of the English Language.
• Motivating the students to learn the English language.
• Demonstrate a demo class and give pocket training to new teachers.
• To practice the conversational skills of advance students.
• To develop the speaking skills of Intermediate students.

Xepesys Inc.
* Position: Online English Associate
• To call on time.
• Receive an inbound call from students who want to learn English.
• Teaching English to Korean clients using a phone with a certain program.
• To level the students with identifying barriers and giving them the right book to tackle.
• Make an additional research about the topic.
• Evaluate the student from time to time.
• Preparing the lesson before calling the student.
• To follow the organization procedures.

GnGn Eikaiwa
* Position: Online English Instructor
• To create or deliver conversational ESL lessons using various teaching strategies and materials in reading, speaking, listening and writing.
• Providing quality English instruction to Japanese students.
• Enhancing the student assessment by keeping reliable records of student performance through progress reports and similar materials for evaluation.
• To contribute talent and interest to various development projects.
• Helping a colleague when he/she is having trouble with their computers.

Speak Rouge First tutorial Inc.
* Position: Online English Teacher
• To receive call from the academy and tackle the specific lesson.
• Pay attention to their mispronounced words and grammar lapses.
• Guide the students to create complete sentences.
• Correct their pronunciation and grammar.
• Able to adjust to the given schedule.

Message to Students
안녕하세요! 저는 튜터 앤젤리나예요. 그냥 엔젤이라고 불러도 돼요! 저는 ESL 강의를 시작한지 벌써 4년 정도 되었어요. 온라인으로 영어를 가르친지는 2년 3개월 됐구요. 10살 정도의 어린 학생들부터 성인 학생까지, 그리고 터키인 학생부터, 한국인, 일본인 학생들까지 다양한 학생들에게 영어를 가르쳤어요. 또 저는 실제 수업에서 사용되는 ESL 학습 자료도 만들었답니다! 저는 일본의 ESL 회사에서 에세이 평가도 하고 있어요. 마지막을 제 취미는요, 글을 쓰고, 넷플릭스를 보는 거예요. 요즘은 사진 공부도 해보고 있어요. 무작정 여행도 떠나보고 있구요.

Hello! My name is Angeli or you can call me Angel. I've been in the ESL industry for approximately three to four years. I worked as an Online English Instructor for two years and three months in different companies catering Turkish, Koreans and Japanese ages ten year old to adults. I was also a content developer and content writer for an ESL company for one year and two months creating ESL materials that will be used by teachers in the same company. In addition, I am also an Evaluator in a Japanese ESL company where I evaluate students essay. Lastly, my hobbies are writing stories, watching Netflix, currently doing a self study in photography, traveling to different places and researching random stuff everyday. I believe that we learn different kind of things everyday because learning is a continuous process.

  • BEST Months2 classes / week, total 120 classes
    USD 140/ Month
    USD 840
    USD / class
  • BEST 個月 每周 2 堂課 , 共 120 堂課
    USD 140/ 月
    USD 840
    USD / 堂課