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10 years teaching experience including 7 years online


10 years teaching experience including 7 years online

19,127 Lessons


저는 오프라인에서 3년간 어린이들과 성인들을 지도한 경험이 있습니다. 저는 2년째 전업 온라인 강사로 일하고 있습니다. 저는 2개의 교육 회사에서 Skype와 Air Class를 통해 수업을 지도했습니다.

I have experience in (class room teaching) for 3 years to both adults and children passionately i joined online teaching which i have been doing for 2 years and have left my full time day job to teach online.i have worked for two Schools one using Skype and the other using Air Class as the teaching performance.

I have experience in (class room teaching) for 3 years to both adults and children passionately i joined online teaching which i have been doing for 2 years and have left my full time day job to teach online.i have worked for two Schools one using Skype and the other using Air Class as the teaching performance.

Message to Students
저는 Revai Pagiwa nee Matukutire라고 해요. 저는 41살이고, 세계 불가사의 중 하나인 빅토리아 폭포에서 5년간 일한 것을 아주 자랑스럽게 생각한답니다. 저는 관광 경영 일을 했었고, 2년 반 동안 온라인 ESL 강사로 일했어요. 저는 3년간 1~4학년 학생들을 교실에서 가르치기도 했어요. 제 취미는 독서, 여행, 영화 보기 등이에요. 저는 학생들이 교재를 소화할 수 있도록 지도하고, 학생들을 칭찬으로 이끄는 방법을 잘 알고 이어요. 저는 학생들이 자유롭게 이야기하며 배울 수 있는, 덜 딱딱하고 재미있는 수업 환경을 만나게 되dj서 기쁘답니다.

My name is Revai Pagiwa nee Matukutire, I am a 41 year old lady who prides herself as I have worked in Victoria falls for 5 Years in one of the Worlds natural wonders of the world. I did Travel and Tourism management, have more than 2 and a half years of teaching experience as an online ESL teacher and also about 3 years as a classroom teacher of (grade 1-4). My hobbies are reading, traveling and watching movies. In my teaching experience, I have learnt to praise my students as I guide them through their learning materials. I am very happy to switch to a more playful, less formal tutoring style and above all to grow a student's confidence so that they can speak out.

My name is Revai Pagiwa nee Matukutire, I am a 41 year old lady who prides herself as I have worked in Victoria falls for 5 Years in one of the Worlds natural wonders of the world. I did Travel and Tourism management, have more than 2 and a half years of teaching experience as an online ESL teacher and also about 3 years as a classroom teacher of (grade 1-4). My hobbies are reading, traveling and watching movies. In my teaching experience, I have learnt to praise my students as I guide them through their learning materials. I am very happy to switch to a more playful, less formal tutoring style and above all to grow a student's confidence so that they can speak out.

  • BEST Months2 classes / week, total 120 classes
    USD 140/ Month
    USD 840
    USD / class
  • BEST 個月 每周 2 堂課 , 共 120 堂課
    USD 140/ 月
    USD 840
    USD / 堂課