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James A.

Major in Law, James will help you UP your English proficiency level!

James A.

Major in Law, James will help you UP your English proficiency level!

94 Lessons


1. 영어 강사 : Greenheart Travel, 이탈리아 – 2010년
2. 영어 강사 : ACLE, 이탈리아 – 2011년
3. ESL 강사/스태프 : St Giles Language Teaching Center, 미국 – 2012년
4. 온라인 영어 강사 : Best Teaher, Japan – 2013년-2015년
5. Preply 개인 교사 : Preply, USA – 2015년-2017년
* 2009년부터 개인 교습을 해왔습니다.

1. English tutor, Greenheart Travel, Italy - 2010
2. English tutor, ACLE, Italy - 2011
3. ESL instructor/staff, St Giles Language Teaching Center, USA - 2012
4. English Online Teacher, Best Teaher, Japan - 2013-2015
5. Preply Private Tutor, Preply, USA - 2015-2017
* I started giving private instructions in 2009.

1. English tutor, Greenheart Travel, Italy - 2010
2. English tutor, ACLE, Italy - 2011
3. ESL instructor/staff, St Giles Language Teaching Center, USA - 2012
4. English Online Teacher, Best Teaher, Japan - 2013-2015
5. Preply Private Tutor, Preply, USA - 2015-2017
* I started giving private instructions in 2009.

Message to Students
안녕하세요! 저는 미국 출신의 James예요.
저는 자격증을 가진 영어 교사이고, 영어 학사 학위가 있어요. 지금은 법학 학위 취득 과정에 있고요.
저는 8년간 영어를 가르친 경험이 있어요. 대부분의 학생들은 여러 지역에서 온 EFL 학생들이었어요. 다들 다른 목적으로 영어를 배웠기에 필요한 배움도 달랐어요. 저는 문법, 발음, 비즈니스 표현, 법학 용어, TOEIC 준비, 독해, 토론 등 다양한 것을 가르쳤어요. 제가 맡았던 학생들은 5세부터 90세까지 다양한 연령층에 속해있었고, 수준도 천차만별이었어요.

제 취미 이야기를 해볼까요? 저는 헬스 광이예요. 저는 영화를 보거나, 독서를 하거나, 비디오 게임을 하면서 여가시간을 보내요. 또 저는 아주 긍정적이고, 친근하고, 마음이 넓은 사람이에요. 우리는 함께 많은 이야기를 할 수 있을거예요!

Hi! I'm James from the USA.
I'm a qualified English teacher with a bachelor's degree in English language and currently pursuing a degree in law.
When it comes to my teaching experience, I have been teaching English for the past 8 years and the majority of my students were EFL students who needed help in different areas of English and for different purposes so I have experience in teaching grammar, pronunciation, business expressions, legal terms, TOEIC preparation, reading articles, discussing and so on. The proficiency levels of students ranged from beginners to advanced students. Should we talk about age, I have had students ranging from the age of 5 up until the age of 90.

When it comes to my hobbies, I am a fitness enthusiast and I love to watch movies, read books and play video games in my free time. Also, I could say that i'm a very positive, friendly, open-minded kind of person so I'm sure we would have many things to discuss!

Hi! I'm James from the USA.
I'm a qualified English teacher with a bachelor's degree in English language and currently pursuing a degree in law.
When it comes to my teaching experience, I have been teaching English for the past 8 years and the majority of my students were EFL students who needed help in different areas of English and for different purposes so I have experience in teaching grammar, pronunciation, business expressions, legal terms, TOEIC preparation, reading articles, discussing and so on. The proficiency levels of students ranged from beginners to advanced students. Should we talk about age, I have had students ranging from the age of 5 up until the age of 90.

When it comes to my hobbies, I am a fitness enthusiast and I love to watch movies, read books and play video games in my free time. Also, I could say that i'm a very positive, friendly, open-minded kind of person so I'm sure we would have many things to discuss!

  • BEST Months2 classes / week, total 120 classes
    USD 140/ Month
    USD 840
    USD / class
  • BEST 個月 每周 2 堂課 , 共 120 堂課
    USD 140/ 月
    USD 840
    USD / 堂課