24/7, 1:1 English Conversation App

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Jeferyl has a knowledge about 'parts of speech'


Jeferyl has a knowledge about 'parts of speech'

8,945 Lessons


영어 티칭은 제가 가장 사랑하는 것들 중 하나입니다. 7세-16세 대상으로 2년동안 강의를 했고 튜터링에서는 1년 넘게 근무중입니다. 매주 주말에는 봉사활동을 다니며 아이들과 미술, 도자기 만들기, 그림그리기 등 많은 활동을 합니다!

I consider teaching as one of my passion. I experienced to handle students around 7-16 ages for almost two years where I taught good moral subjects. And I have been working here in Tutoring app as well for over a year now. Every weekend, I have a fun volunteering activity with kids. We do art crafts, coloring, storytelling, and so on.

Teaching is fun!

I consider teaching as one of my passion. I experienced to handle students around 7-16 ages for almost two years where I taught good moral subjects. And I have been working here in Tutoring app as well for over a year now. Every weekend, I have a fun volunteering activity with kids. We do art crafts, coloring, storytelling, and so on.

Teaching is fun!

Message to Students
영어로 말하는 것에 어려움이 있으시면 걱정마세요, 제가 도와드리겠습니다! 효과적이고 효율적인 방법으로 배울 수 있게 수업을 구성을 하겠습니다. 영어로 대화하는 것 또한 두려워 하지마세요, 새롭게 변해가는 자신을 믿어보시면 됩니다. 조만간 같이 대화해 보아요 :)

Hi! Don't worry if you have the difficulty to speak in English because help is on the way!
We will establish a routine that has an effective and productive learning in our future classes.Don't be afraid to have a conversation as well. Take a leap of faith into something new and you will find out who you are truly capable of becoming.
Have fun in English then. Talk with you all soon! :)

Hi! Don't worry if you have the difficulty to speak in English because help is on the way!
We will establish a routine that has an effective and productive learning in our future classes.Don't be afraid to have a conversation as well. Take a leap of faith into something new and you will find out who you are truly capable of becoming.
Have fun in English then. Talk with you all soon! :)

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    USD 840
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  • BEST 個月 每周 2 堂課 , 共 120 堂課
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