24/7, 1:1 English Conversation App

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Carla Gemma

Allow me to be a part of your journey in learning this wonderful language.

Carla Gemma

Allow me to be a part of your journey in learning this wonderful language.

3,208 Lessons


저는 2014년에 제 모국에서 1년간 온라인 영어 강사로 1년간 일했습니다. 제 학생들은 일본과 중국의 어린이와 성인들이었습니다. 저는 학생들의 영어 실력이 하루하루 성장하는 것을 보고 싶습니다.

In 2014, I worked as Online English Teacher for one year in one of the companies here in my country. My students were Japanese and Chinese both kids and adults. I am motivated to witness my students improving their English skills day by day.

In 2014, I worked as Online English Teacher for one year in one of the companies here in my country. My students were Japanese and Chinese both kids and adults. I am motivated to witness my students improving their English skills day by day.

Message to Students
안녕하세요! 저는 Carla Jade라고 해요. 제 취미는 드라이브, 쇼핑, 친구나 가족이랑 시간을 보내는 거예요. 저는 사람을 만나는 것을 좋아해요. 저는 영어를 배워두는 것이 아주 큰 도움이 된다고 생각해요. 영어를 잘 할 수 있으면 여행을 할 때 더욱 재미있는 시간을 보낼 수 있고, 외국의 친구들을 얻을 기회도 많이 생기죠. 또 취직을 할 때도 도움이 되고, 해외의 직장을 구할 수도 있어요. 함께 이 멋진 언어를 즐겁게 배워봐요! 곧 뵈어요!

Hi! am Carla Jade, your online English teacher. My hobbies are driving, shopping and being with my friends and family. I love to be with people .I strongly believe that English is the most useful second language to learn. If you are confident in speaking English, travelling will be more fun as you communicate and gain friends from other countries. It also gives you more opportunities to find a good job and even work abroad. Allow me to be a part of your journey in learning this wonderful language. Join me as we have good times in exploring creative ways in learning this awesome English language! See you soon!

Hi! am Carla Jade, your online English teacher. My hobbies are driving, shopping and being with my friends and family. I love to be with people .I strongly believe that English is the most useful second language to learn. If you are confident in speaking English, travelling will be more fun as you communicate and gain friends from other countries. It also gives you more opportunities to find a good job and even work abroad. Allow me to be a part of your journey in learning this wonderful language. Join me as we have good times in exploring creative ways in learning this awesome English language! See you soon!

  • BEST Months2 classes / week, total 120 classes
    USD 140/ Month
    USD 840
    USD / class
  • BEST 個月 每周 2 堂課 , 共 120 堂課
    USD 140/ 月
    USD 840
    USD / 堂課