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저는 유치원, 고등학교, 대학교 강사를 했었어요.
수학과 영어를 5년간 가르쳤죠.
또한 온라인 산업에서도 일했었어요

I have a very diverse and enriched experience in different fields and industries moreso in teaching which is my major. I was a pre-school admin staff , high school adviser and university instructor before.
I was teaching Filipino, Mathematics and English for 5 years.
I already also have worked in the online industry since 2014. =>

I was a pre-school, high school and university instructor before.
I was teaching Mathematics and English for 5 years.
I already also have worked in the online industry.

Message to Students
영어를 확실하게 배우는 것은 커뮤니케이션, 커리어, 인생에서 상당한 장점을 가져다 줘요.
저는 레이날린이고, 레인이라고 불러도 되는데, 준비된 튜터랍니다. 우리 수업에서 여러분들과 함께 성장할 수 있도록 말이죠. 마음을 열고 배우려는 노력이 있으면 결국 모든 것들이 따라와요. 그리고 저는 여러분이 필요하는 누군가가 누가되었든 될 수 있답니다. 즐겁게 배웁시다! 곧 제 수업에서 만나요!

Hi Students =>

I have been to Korea before and I llove how amazing the plce is. It was very clean and I had a lot of good time spending my time with my Korean friends eating Korean food and doing other Korean stuff. =>
I would like to learn about the changes in Korea through you and I would like to share my experiences both in life and my knowledge in English to help you become where you want to be. So trust me when I say, English and your capabilities is just wihin => Let me help you bring it out => Gamsahamnida. =>

Being equipped in English gives you an edge with communication, your career and your life itself.
I am Reinalyn Jhazel Surigao, Rein for short, a tutor ready, equipped and willing to grow with you through our classes.
Just be open minded and willing to learn and everything else would follow. (Cause I basically would do the same) Plus the fact that I can be whoever you need me to be.
Happy learning! See you in my classes!

  • BEST Months2 classes / week, total 120 classes
    USD 140/ Month
    USD 840
    USD / class
  • BEST 個月 每周 2 堂課 , 共 120 堂課
    USD 140/ 月
    USD 840
    USD / 堂課