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Hazel Anne

Hazel Anne

6,920 Lessons


중국 학생들에게 영어를 가르친지 거의 2년이 넘었어요. 어른들과 아이들에게요. 저는 K12 수업들에서 IELTS 시험 준비까지 좋은 입지를 가지고 있는 편이에요.

I've been teaching English lessons for Chinese students for more than two years. I teach both children and adult . I have a good standing in teaching from K12 classes to IELTS preparation.

I've been teaching English lessons for Chinese students for more than two years. I teach both children and adult . I have a good standing in teaching from K12 classes to IELTS preparation.

Message to Students
안녕하세요 저는 헤이즐 선생님이라고 하고, ESL 을 중국 학생들에게 가르친지 2년이 넘었어요. 저의 가르침을 향한 열정은 제 외국인들을 가르치고자 하는 동기가 주가 되어요. 저는 다양한 문화들에 제가 빠질 수 있을 뿐만아니라, 영어를 배우고자 하는 다양한 학생들과 일하면서 그들의 언어도 배울 수 있다는 걸 알아요. 단순히 배우는게 아니라 즐기면서 해보자구요!

Hi, My name is Teacher Hazel and I have been teaching ESL for more than two years to Chinese students. My passion for teaching is a mainspring behind my motivation to teach foreign nationals. I believe it will be a fantastic opportunity to not only immerse myself to different cultures and work with students who are excited to learn other language like English but I know i will be learning with them as well. Learning for me is not just about enhancing your vocabulary skills nor perfecting your grammar. Learning a certain language is the willingness to bridge gaps and break barriers. I am aware that English is not easy to learn so let's incorporate ways to make it fun, easier and exciting . So in my class you will expect that you will not just learn but at the same time have fun! That is all for now, and i hope to see you in class.

Hi, My name is Teacher Hazel and I have been teaching ESL for more than two years to Chinese students. My passion for teaching is a mainspring behind my motivation to teach foreign nationals. I believe it will be a fantastic opportunity to not only immerse myself to different cultures and work with students who are excited to learn other language like English but I know i will be learning with them as well. Learning for me is not just about enhancing your vocabulary skills nor perfecting your grammar. Learning a certain language is the willingness to bridge gaps and break barriers. I am aware that English is not easy to learn so let's incorporate ways to make it fun, easier and exciting . So in my class you will expect that you will not just learn but at the same time have fun! That is all for now, and i hope to see you in class.

  • BEST Months2 classes / week, total 120 classes
    USD 140/ Month
    USD 840
    USD / class
  • BEST 個月 每周 2 堂課 , 共 120 堂課
    USD 140/ 月
    USD 840
    USD / 堂課