안녕하세요~ 저는 튜터 리엔이에요. 여러분을 만나게 되어서 정말 기뻐요. ESL 선생님으로 근무한 지는 2년이 되었어요. 여러분이 영어 실력을 향상시킬 수 있도록 제가 도와줄게요! 우리 같이 공부 해봐요~
Hello there! I am Teacher Leanne and I'm very excited to teach you. I've been an ESL teacher for two years, and with my experience, you can rest assured that I would be able to teach you in the most excellent way possible. Not only do I look forward to be your teacher but also as a friend who can guide and empower you to learn the English language.