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499 Lessons


저는 보건학과를 전공했고 부전공으로 생물학을 공부했어요. 또, 교육학 석사 학위를 취득하기도 했답니다. 저는 ESL 온라인 튜터로 근무하면서 어린이 학생 뿐 아니라 성인 학생들도 가르친 경력이 있답니다. 수학과 과학을 가르친 경험도 이써요. 벌써 학생들을 가르친 지는 5년이 되었습니다.

I attended William Carey University where I earned a Bachelors degree in Health Related Professions with a minor in Biology. I also earned a Masters degree in Secondary Education from William Carey University. I am currently working as an ESL teacher online and have experience working with both children’s adults. I am also a math and science teacher in a brick and mortar school. I have worked with special needs children as well. This will be my 5th year teaching. I am also a Registered Radiologic Technologist. I am certified in Radiography and have experience in Computed Tomography as well.

안녕하세요~ 저는 튜터 매기예요. 저는 온라인 ESL 강의 경험이 많은 튜터입니다. 다양한 사람들과 서로 다른 문화에 대해서 이야기 나누는 것을 정말 좋아해요. 또, 저는 학생들을 가르칠 때 항상 최선을 다해서 가르치곤 합니다. 과거에는 의학 분야에 관심이 많았어요. 그래서 그런 분야에 대해서 이야기 나누는 것도 좋아요~ 또 저는 야외활동, 그림 그리기, 그리고 가족들과 시간을 보내는 것도 좋아해요. 우리 같이 다양한 재미있는 분야에 대해서 이야기를 나눠봐요! 곧 만나요!

Hello! My name is Maggie Walters. I have experience in online ESL teaching. I enjoy talking to different people in different cultures. I have learned so many new and fun things about other cultures. I find it intriguing! I enjoy teaching and I’m very passionate about it. I also enjoy the medical field and have worked in it in the past. In fact, I still like to learn about it and hold conversations about it. I am excited to get the opportunity to meet and speak with you! Some of my hobbies I enjoy are being in the outdoors, painting, reading, and spending time with my family. I also enjoy researching different topics in the medical field as well as education. I look forward to meeting and speaking with you! Thank you!

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