24/7, 1:1 English Conversation App
FAQ Tutor
Please go to [Tutor > Currently online tutor > My Tutors] in the app.
You may search the name of the turor there.
*Please toggle the heart button at the right upper side if you want to unhighlight them
Tutors in Tutoring are all experienced with years of teaching and education.
Tutors must go through competitive application and interview process with mock-up lessons. Only 1 out of 10 applicants become our tutor.
Application and interview process:
1st: Resume screening
2nd: Technical check
3rd: Video interview
4th: Training
5th: Mock lessons and test calls
6th: Last screening
Native tutors are mainly from English speaking countries, e.g. US, UK, Canada, Australia, South Africa, etc. They already obtained ESL professional qualifications, and they have both online and offline professional teaching experiences for years. Native tutors are recommended to intermediate level students or who are interested in daily conversational English.
Global tutors speak English as good as native speaker and are educated with at least a bachelor's degree. They tend to teach with a more formal method while native tutors focus on teaching how to speak English more fluently. Other than that, they are all awesome tutors and teach English very well.
Tutors will encourage students to speak in English through topic cards with different themes, e.g., travel, movies, cooking, in order to learn specific English expressions and vocabularies.
You can also learn from both tutors by purchasing different plans.
Please apply here:
알파 수강권
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영어 사용국 튜터
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수강권 안내
수강증, 출석확인증, 영수증 상시 발급 가능
연 수강권의 경우 매월 수강권 발급이 가능합니다.
튜레이닝 챌린지는 신규회원
대상 프로모션입니다. 현재 이용 중인 수강권이 있는 분들은 참여(환급)가 불가합니다.
참여 대상이 아닌 경우,
본 프로모션 수강권을 구매하시더라도 담당부서 확인 후 자동 취소(환불) 처리되오니 이 점 유의해주시기 바랍니다.